Зарубіжний досвід професійно-психологічного відбору поліцейських кадрів - Статья

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Аналіз психодіагностичного інструментарію професійно-психологічного відбору в Україні. Етапи відбору кандидатів на службу в Національній поліції України. Ключові психологічні якості кандидата, що мають відповідати вимогам до професії поліцейського.

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Аннотация к работе
УДК 159:351.745.5 Зарубіжний досвід професійно-психологічного відбору поліцейських кадрів Литвин В. В. - здобувач кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ, м. Київ Анотація психологічний відбір поліція кандидат Здійснено порівняльний аналіз психодіагностичного інструментарію професійно-психологічного відбору в Україні та зарубіжних країнах (США, Франція, Італія, Велика Британія, Російська Федерація). Висвітлено основні етапи відбору кандидатів на службу в Національній поліції України. Annotation Lytvyn V. - Researcher of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine Foreign Experience Professional and Psychological Selection Police Shots The comparative analysis of psychodiagnostic tools for professional psychological selection in Ukraine and other foreign countries (the USA, France, Italy, UK, Russia Federation, etc.) were done. The basic stages of professional psychological selection to the National Police of Ukraine are shown. The main psychological qualities of the candidate, which must comply with the police profession, are outlined. According to nowadays stronger requirements for police officers, caused by quality selection of personnel are raised. Recent events associated with the manifestations of terrorism and the intensification of transnational organized crime, gave many reasons for improving the selection and training of police forces of different states. A person can be a good policeman, if he/she possesses more than average intellectual ability, good memory and observation, these should be combined with high moral, mental and physical qualities that are not required for people of other professions. The policeman must always act tactfully and politely, take the initiative in various unforeseen circumstances. In the police, today, it is required much more responsibility than of the personnel of other speciality. The technology selection is perfected at last time by taking into account the qualities required of every employee of the police service. In Ukraine, the reform of the police service, switched from bureaucratic methods of selection and training in scientific methods is started, which are based on analysis of the psychological characteristics of the candidates according to the requirements of the profession. In addition, increased attention to clarify the psychological profile of the employee according to the requirements of a police service is shown. It should be noted that in developed democratic countries, like Ukraine, carefully thought out and well-established procedure of professional psychological selection is provided. The selection includes several stages: preliminary interview, verification of information about the candidate, study and analysis of the information contained in the personal file, print tests, psychological testing, medical examination, verification of physical preparedness of candidate, interview. Today the most efficient criteria system for the diagnosis of physical, mental, intellectual and other personality traits formed in Germany and in the USA. Today, police, is not only a guard, whose work relates only to the prevention or investigation of offenses and crimes, but also an emergency service, which function is to provide any assistance («police service»), so by recognized psychodiagnostic methods, diagnostics determine response of professional important, individual psychological qualities of the candidate to requirements of the profession. Професійний психологічний відбір полягає у виявленні низки якостей, якими має оволодіти патрульний поліції, щоб успішно виконувати службові завдання.

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