Word Meaning. Types of Meaning. Word Meaning and Motivation. Polysemy. Change of Meaning. Semantic Groupings of the Vocabulary. Replenishment of the Vocabulary - Лекция
The essay section of lexicology, studying the meaning of the words and its formal parts. The study of theories about the nature of the meaning of the speech, which considers semasiology. The relationship between the symbol and the meaning of words.
При низкой оригинальности работы "Word Meaning. Types of Meaning. Word Meaning and Motivation. Polysemy. Change of Meaning. Semantic Groupings of the Vocabulary. Replenishment of the Vocabulary", Вы можете повысить уникальность этой работы до 80-100%
Lecture Word Meaning. Types of Meaning. Word Meaning and Motivation. Polysemy. Change of Meaning. Semantic Groupings of the Vocabulary. Replenishment of the Vocabulary Word meaning is studied by the branch of lexicology called semasiology. Among the word’s various characteristics meaning is the most important. There are different theories of the nature of meaning. Usually meaning is defined as the realization of a notion (or concept, in other terms) by means of a definite language system. It is usually said that a word denotes objects, qualities, actions, phenomena, or expresses the corresponding notions. The complex relationships between referent (object, etc., denoted by the word), notion (concept, thought) and word (symbol, sound-form) are traditionally represented by the following triangle. Componential analysis is one of the modern metods of semantic research which provides a deeper insight into semantic aspects of the language. All words can be classified into motivated and non-motivated. There are cases when there exists a direct connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning. This relationship between structure and meaning is termed morphological motivation. All one-morpheme words are non-motivated. Words, containing derivational morphemes, are motivated. Thus, for instance, the word leader is morphologically motivated: its morhological structure suggests the idea of “leading” “the doer of the action”. The degree of motivation may be different: the word cranberry is partially motivated, because of the absense of the lexical meaning in the morpheme cran. There may be a direct connection between the phonetical structure of the word and its meaning. This type of motivation is called phonetical motivation. It is observed in words formed by sound-imitation and occurs even in one-morpheme words: splash, boom, etc. Some linguists think that speech sounds may suggest spatial and visual dimensions, size, shape: for instance, that back open vowels suggest big size, heavy weight, dark colour, etc. Experiments showed that the non-existent word chung was associated by speakers of English with the words heavy and large, while the word ching - with the words light and small. But not all linguists share the view. A connection between the direct meaning of the word and its figurative meanings is called semantic motivation. It is based on the co-existence of different meanings of the word. Knowing the meaning of the word chain (“a series of usually metal links or rings”), one may guess the meaning of such units as chain store, chain hotel, chain smoker, etc.
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