Goals of Our Research work. Information explosion or The beginning of new era uncensored press. Consequences and the public reaction to Wikileaks publication. Comparison of Wikileaks and Television, and other censored portal. Stylistic rules and work.
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INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Research paper Theme: “Wikileaks: Informational Explosion in International Relation” Majenov Maksut Almaty 2012 Plan of paper Introduction 1. Wikileaks mission 2. Goals of Our Research work 3. Thesis 4. Main part 4.1 Wikileaks: Information explosion or The beginning of new era uncensored press 4.2 Consequences and the public reaction to Wikileaks publication 4.3 Comparison of Wikileaks and Television, and other censored news portal Conclusion References Introduction The world is getting tossed around like confetti these days, but many of us are still in the dark as to what its research work about. Many of us heard about Wikileaks, but most of us still don’t know what it is. At this research we will try to explain the meaning of this organization. Nowadays, Wikileaks is a whistle-blowing website that publishes sensitive materials from governments and other high-profile organization. //1. However, world society wonder where do they get their information and how
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