Why rebuilding states may not be enough: failed states, failed nations and the global recession - Статья

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Characteristics of state building on the example of Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan and other states of Central Asia. Characteristics of maintaining the economic stability of the state. An analysis of the difficulties in recognizing such countries is legitimate.

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Why rebuilding states may not be enough: failed states, failed nations and the global recession Jackson P. Introduciton This paper outlines a case why firstly, there are real issues in rebuilding states that in some way may be said to have failed, and, secondly, why the global economic downturn may seriously affect how we currently approach post-conflict reconstruction of states that have collapsed. It begins with a series of definitions of state failure and begins to look at some of the reasons for that. Using a case taken from the reconstruction of Sierra Leone in West Africa, which collapsed entirely, the paper outlines some of the key issues that remain after ten years of reconstruction efforts. The Sierra Leone case holds some interesting lessons regarding what people actually try to do in reconstructing a state, but also some of the key problems in making any state work. Fundamentally, of course, Sierra Leone remains a relatively small state in West Africa and the fact that a viable state remains elusiv

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