Wedings and colors - Топик

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The colors you choose for your wedding day set the style and tone for your event. You can influence the mood of your wedding through your choices of colors. Color appears in every aspect of the wedding.

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Wedings and colors The History of the White Wedding Dress As a youngster -- or perhaps even as an adult -- have you ever sat dreamily imagining yourself in a fairytale wedding dress, about to marry your very own Prince Charming? And, what color is the wedding dress? The chances are its a white one. Millions of girls and women that dream of the perfect marriage have a vision of the perfect white wedding dress in their minds. But why white? Where did this tradition come from? Women Havent Always Been Marrying in White In fact, in the grand scheme of things, the tradition isnt even all that old. The white wedding dress of today is deep-seated tradition, and for many is worn to signify virtue as well as uphold tradition. Millions -- in fact billions -- of women all over the world start thinking about the perfect white wedding gown before they have even found the perfect partner. Britain is a place that is rife with traditions and legends, so it is little wonder that the tradition of the white wedding dress was st

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