Перевод английских текстов и активного словарного запаса на русский и украинский языки в письменном виде. Ответы на вопросы по тексту. Перевод утверждений и определение их правдивости или ложности. Составление вопросов по тексту на английском языке.
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For example, all section heads may be captains, while all unit heads may be lieutenants. In large forces, line activities are assigned to bureaus or divisions, which typically include patrol, traffic, detective, juvenile, and vice units. The services bureau (or bureaus) provide technical services to assist in the execution of line functions, such as keeping records and maintaining a crime laboratory services provided in the administration bureau include those that relate to the running of the department as an organization: personnel, finance, and research and development. The internal investigation (internal affairs) unit is responsible for investigating complaints filed by citizens and incidents reported by police officers themselves. Responsibility, to employ, insignia, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, bureaucracy, division of labour, experience, personnel, juvenile, prevention, theft, to assist, execution, brutality, abuse of power.
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