Types of political regimes and their characteristics - Курсовая работа

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The political regime: concept, signs, main approaches to the study. The social conditionality and functions of the political system in society. Characteristic of authoritarian, totalitarian, democratic regimes. Features of the political regime in Ukraine.

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Contents Entry 1. Description of the political regime 1.1 The concept of political regime 1.2 Signs of political regime 1.3 History of study of the political regime 1.4 The main approaches to the study of political regimes 2. Types of political regimes and their characteristics 2.1 The authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes, and their characteristic 2.2 Democratic political regime and the ways of democracy 2.3 Signs of mixed forms of political regime 2.4 Features of the political regime in Ukraine Conclusions References Entry The relevance of the work is that the political regime is one of the three most important structural elements form the State, and, therefore, its study is essential to the improvement of the state machinery. For Ukraine, which is a young country, the election proper vector of development is the main objective of the present regime, because all kinds of modes have their advantages and disadvantages, and only a combination of them can create the best system operation state. The study of the phenomenon of political regime started since ancient Greece, with views of Aristotle, which were accepted and improved European lawyers. Special heyday doctrine of political regime acquired in XVIII - XIX centuries. and is associated with the names of Hobbes, E. Byerka, C. Montesquieu, A. de Tocqueville and others. However, their study had influence on the opinions of later thinkers (Marx, Max Weber, Karl Popper, D. Cola et al.). Over periods and the development of political and legal doctrine evolved relatively defined views (schools) to determine the political regime. Among local researchers of this issue can be called O. Haran, V. Horbatenko Kolodiy A., P. Kutuev, M. Myhalchenka, I. Bekeshkina, S. Ryabov, M. Ryabchuk, V. Polokhalo, F. Rudich, M. Sazonov, A. Fisun and others. The object of study is the political regime and the subject are the social conditionality and functions of the political system in society that cause the development of the state. Purpose - to consolidate learned material on the subject theory of law as well as deepen their knowledge on the topic of political regime. The goal requires the following tasks: • explore the phenomenon of political regime; • analyze historiographical development of legal opinions on approaches to understanding the political regime; • give an overview of the political regime; • consider the types of political regimes and their characteristics. Methods. The methodological basis of the course work is general scientific and special scientific methods, the use of which is caused by the complex nature of the object of research and the need to use theoretical advances in relevant fields, including philosophy, law, sociology, history, political science, management theory. Structure of the course work. This course work consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions and list of sources and literature. Total - 29 pages. 1. Description of the political regime 1.1 The concept of political regime Political power and variety of the forms and means of expression. To reflect different aspects of its operation using concepts such as political system, government, political regime. Organization of the supreme government, its agencies and their relationships with the population affects the concept of government. Sure isolated monarchical and republican form of government. But not always the nature of political power in society is responsible form of government. For example, Sweden, Norway, Belgium more democratic than many republics, although the form of government is a constitutional monarchy. At the same time Germany 30 years in the form of government was a republic, but the nature of the government was dictatorial. In this regard, there was a need to identify the means and methods by which the state government organizes the relations between people. This aspect of the functioning of government reflects the concept of political regime [4, p. 43]. In European political science this is the basic concept, whereas in the U.S. the preferred category of political system. However, the terms political system and political regime characterize political life from different sides: if the political system reflects the nature of the relationship of politics to economics, social, cultural and other spheres of social life, the political regime determines the means and methods of political power. Political regime - is the way the political system of society, determining the nature of political life in the country, a system of techniques, methods and techniques of political (including the state) power in society [6, p. In political science, there are several interpretations of the political regime: 1. Institutional (political and legal) approach identifies the political regime of the forms of government and political system and focuses on the formal-legal Characteristics: Features division of power and the relationship between the branches of government, on the types

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