Цветовая концептуализация мира на основе лингвистического анализа английских фразеологических единиц (идиом) с компонентом цвета. Обработка данных в семантическом, структурном, концептуальном, статистическом аспектах. Цветовая картина мира англичан.
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Способность различать цвета составляет существенную часть возможностей зрительного восприятия человека. Однако цвет, хотя и является объективным свойством материальных предметов, вместе с тем обладает некоторой психологической нагрузкой, спопобной влиять на эмоции человека и даже на его физиологическое состояние. Несмотря на то, что цвет является базовой характеристикой мира как космоса, представитель каждой национальности видит этот мир по-своему, в рамках своего менталитета, национальной культуры. В данную группу вошли слова, которые содержат следующие компоненты, называющие цвет: black, blue, brown, green, grey, pink, purple, red, violet, white, yellow. ФЕ, обозначающие человека по его профессиональной (men/boys in blue ‘police’), социальной (grey flannel suit ‘business suit suggestive of wearer"s conservative bureaucratic or conformist attitudes, or lack of individuality, the anonymous exercice of power’), политической (greens ‘a member of green politics’), расовой (white Africa ‘the parts of Africa ruled by white people’, person of color ‘a person of an African, Asian, or Native American race’) и др.
Список литературы
1. Cambridge Intematonal Dictionary of English Электронный ресурс. - 2007. - Режим доступа: http:// www.ALLWORDS.com
2. ULTRALINGUA English Dictionary Электронный ресурс. - 2007. - Режим доступа: http://www.ALLWORDS.com
3. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms Электронный ресурс. - 2007. - Режим доступа: http:// www.ALLWORDS.com
4. Crystal, D. Dictionary, Guide, Community and More Электронный ресурс. : электрон, справ. - London, 2007. - Режим доступа: http:// vnvw.ALLWORDS.com224Encarta World English
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20. Степанов, Ю. С. ФИЛОСОФИЯ языка: в границах и вне границ / [Ю. С. Степанов, В.В. Прокопенко, Ю.И. Сватко и др.]. - Харьков: ОКО, 1994.
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22. Фрумкина, Р.М. Психолингвистика Текст: учеб. для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / P.M. Фрумкина. - М.: Академия, 2001.
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28. Яньшин, П.В. Введение в психосемантику цвета Текст.: учебно-метод. пособие / П. В. Яньшин. - Самара: САМГПУ, 2001.
3 BLACK the blackest day of my life the worth day of someone"s life
4 BLACK black market illegal trade
5 BLACK black economy a part of the economy unregulated by the authorities
6 BLACK give someone a black look look at someone as if you are angry
7 BLACK on the black list be on a list of "undesirables
8 BLACK blacklisted be banned
9 BLACK black spot a dangerous spot
10 BLACK black and blue be badly bruised
11 BLACK black sheep (of the family) a person who is a disgrace or embarrassment to a family
12 BLACK pot calling the kettle black someone with a fault accusing someone else of having the same fault
13 BLACK black out 1. to darken by putting out or dimming electric lights 2. to lose consciousness
14 BLACK as black as a skillet very black
15 BLACK as black as a stack of black cats very black
16 BLACK as black as a sweep very dirty or black
17 BLACK as black as coal very black
18 BLACK as black as night very black
19 BLACK as black as pitch very black
20 BLACK as black as the ace of spades very black
21 BLACK get a black eye to get a bruise near to eye from being struck
22 BLACK get a black eye to have one"s character or reputation harmed
23 BLACK give someone a black eye to hit someone near the eye so that a dark bruise appears
24 BLACK give someone a black eye to have one"s character or reputation harmed
25 BLACK pitch black very black
26 BLACK black affronted deeply and utterly ashamed and embarrassed
27 BLACK black as people say one is bad as people say one is
28 BLACK black ball veto
29 BLACK black dog fit of depression
30 BLACK black hole place into which things or people seem to disappear
31 BLACK black maria police or prison van
32 BLACK blackboard jungle the urban school system, particularly those parts of it where pupils are violent or uncontrollable
33 BLACK in someone"s black or bad books unpopular with someone
34 BLACK talk till one is black in the face talk endlessly but ineffectually or to little avail
35 BLACK black gown a collegian or learned man
36 BLACK black chums African native troops during the WW1
37 BLACK black ox old age
38 BLACK black mouth a slenderer
39 BLACK black ingratitude evil ingratitude
40 BLACK black fast a fast which includes abstinence from milk and eggs
41 BLACK black ice thin, transparent ice
42 BLACK black Country parts of Staffordshire and Warwickshire grimed by the smoke and dust of the coal and iron trades
43 BLACK black bomber strong amphetamine capsules, coloured black
44 BLACK black diamonds coals
45 BLACK black gold oil
46 BLACK black dwarf a small, very dense star composed of generate matter which has cooled and become non-luminous
47 BLACK black teapot a Negro footman
48 BLACK black death the great epidemic of bubunic plague that killed a large propotion of the population
49 BLACK to sing the black psalm to weep
50 BLUE between the devil and the deep blue sea in a very difficult position, facing a hard decision
51 BLUE blue blooded the blood (heredity) of a noble family, aristocratic ancestry
52 BLUE burn with a low blue flame to be very angry , especialy without displaying one"s anger loudly
53 BLUE like a bolt out of the blue suddenly and without warning
54 BLUE out of a clear blue sky suddenly and without warning
55 BLUE to go to out of a clear blue sky suddenly and without warning
56 BLUE talk a blue streak to say a lot and talk very rapidly
57 BLUE talk until one is blue in the face to talk until one is exhausted
58 BLUE the blues sadness, depression
59 BLUE to get the blues to become sad or depressed
60 BLUE feel blue feeling unhappy
61 BLUE to happen out of the blue to arrive unexpectedly, usually after a long absence
62 BLUE to happen out of the blue to happen very suddenly and unexpectedly
63 BLUE to appear out of the blue to arrive unexpectedly, usually after a long absence
64 BLUE to appear out of the blue to happen very suddenly and unexpectedly
65 BLUE a bolt from the blue some unexpected bad news
66 BLUE a blue-eyed boy description of a boy/young man who has been singled out for special favours by someone in authority
67 BLUE to look blue to look / feel depressed or discontented.
68 BLUE to blue pencil something censor something
69 BLUE out of the blue completely unexpected
70 BLUE black and blue be badly bruised
71 BLUE blue in the face to make a huge but vain effort to win a person"s
72 BLUE once in a blue moon to occur extremely rarely or only once in a lifetime
73 BLUE men/boys in blue the police because of the colour of their uniforms
74 BLUE blue fit attack of mental distress or shock
75 BLUE blue funk panic
76 BLUE blue ribbon top prize; badge of the highest honour
77 BLUE blue riband top prize; badge of the highest honour
78 BLUE blue stocking woman with artistic or literary inclinations or pretensions
79 BLUE blue-chip financially secure; sound and profitable
80 BLUE blue-sky thinking brainstorming; de-cluttering and opening your mind wide
81 BLUE clear blue water the advantage of space
82 BLUE scream blue murder scream in great terror and alarm
83 BLUE yell blue murder scream in great terror and alarm
84 BLUE true blue staunch or loyal to one’s principles; very Conservative
85 BLUE blue disease cyanosis
86 BLUE blue gold gas
87 BLUE blue apron one who wears a blue apron, a tradesman
88 BLUE blue earth the dark soil, normally greyish-blue in which diamonds are found
89 BRIGHT to paint in bright colours to describe something in a flattering way
90 BRIGHT bright as a button very lively, perky, keen, etc
91 BRIGHT bright spark intelligent and lively person
92 BROWN to brown out to decrease in power, causing electric lights to dim
93 BROWN to be browned off to be bored, annoyed at something
94 BROWN brown as a berry deeply sunburnt or tanned
95 BROWN brown study state of deep preoccupation or mental abstraction
96 BROWN brown points good marks for credit
97 BROWN Brown Shirt a Nazi
98 BROWN brown earth a type of soil having a brown surface-layer rich in humans
99 BROWN brown paper a strong coarse brown-coloured paper used for wrapping parcels
100 BROWN brown sugar unrefined sugar
101 COLOUR primary colour one of the basic colours (red, blue and yellow)
102 COLOUR a highly coloured report a report that is exaggerated or biased
103 COLOUR to give colour to to make (an account, story, explanation, etc.) more credible or more believable
104 COLOUR to lend colour to to make (an account, story, explanation, etc.) more credible or more believable
105 COLOUR to be colourless to lack personality, to be boring
106 COLOUR to be off-color to be not quite at one"s best, to feel queasy or slightly ill
107 COLOUR show one`s true colors to understand someone"s true character, often for the first time
108 COLOUR to see someone in his true colours to understand someone"s true character, often for the first time
109 COLOUR with flying colors with great success, with distinction
110 COLOUR to color something in to paint or draw color on a pattern or outline
111 COLOUR person of color a person of an African, Asian, or Native American race
112 COLOUR riot of color a selection of many bright colors
113 COLOUR sail under false colors to function deceptively
114 COLOUR sail under false colors to sail with false identification
115 COLOUR see the color of someone"s money to verify that someone has money or has enough money
116 COLOUR a horse of another color a situation or a subject that is different from what you had first thought it was
117 COLOUR a horse of a different color a situation or a subject that is different from what you had first thought it was
118 COLOUR come through with flying colours to pass an examination with a very high score or to complete a difficult activity very successfully
119 COLOUR come pass with flying colours to pass an examination with a very high score or to complete a difficult activity very successfully
120 COLOUR nail your colours to the mast to publicly state your opinions about a subject
121 COLOUR local colour details that are characteristic of a particular time and especially place
122 COLOUR reveal one"s true colour show one’s true nature
123 COLOUR show one’s true colours show one’s true nature
124 COLOUR true to one’s colours loyal to one’s cause or point of view
125 DARK to paint in dark colours to describe something in a unflattering way
126 DARK pitch dark very dark
127 DARK dark horse someone whose abilities, plans, or feeling are little known to ohers
128 DARK in the dark in ignorance
129 DARK keep something dark keep something secret
130 DARK leap in the dark random guess
131 DARK shot in the dark random guess
132 DARK stab in the dark random guess
133 DARK whistle in the dark talk from a position of ignorance
134 DARK whistle in the dark try to keep one’s spirits up
135 GOLDEN a golden opportunity a great opportunity that might never come again
136 GOLDEN to kill the goose that laid the golden egg to destroy the source of one"s good fortune
137 GOLDEN golden rule the principle that one should treat other people the way one would like to be treat
138 GOLDEN a golden boy a young man idolized for a great skill, usually in sport
139 GOLDEN a golden handshake a large sum of money paid to a retiring manager or director, or to a redundant worker
140 GOLDEN a golden girl someone who is popular and successful
141 GOLDEN sb is golden used to say that someone is in a very good situation and is likely to be successful
142 GREEN greenhouse effect an efect like in greenhouse
143 GREEN to be green inexperienced, immature
144 GREEN give someone the green light give permission to go ahead with a project
145 GREEN grass is always greener on the other side a place that is far away or different seems better than where we are now
146 GREEN get the green light get approval to start something
147 GREEN greenbelt area an area of protected land surrounding a town or city
148 GREEN green thumb a talent for gardening, ability to make things grow
149 GREEN green fingers be a good gardener
150 GREEN green politics environmental politics
151 GREEN green with envy full of envy, very jealous
152 GREEN green as grass very naive
153 GREEN green stuff money; payment
154 GREEN green welly brigage upper-middle-class Britons of the hunting, shooting and fishing persuasion, whose country ‘uniform’ is a wax jacket and pair of green wellington boots
155 GREEN green-eyed monster jealousy
156 GREEN rub of the green sporting good luck
157 GREEN green old age growing old
158 GREEN to be green around the gills to look as if going to be sick
159 GREEN green winter mild winter
160 GREEN green glass a coarse kind of glass of a green colour, bottle glass
161 GREY a grey area something which is not definite
162 GREY to be grey to be boring and unattractive
163 GREY grey matter your brain
164 GREY grey eminence influential person in the background to the decision takers
165 GREY grey power the political or economic power of elderly people
166 GREY grey market a less extreme form of black market
167 GREY grey flannel suit business suit suggestive of wearer"s conservative bureaucratic or conformist attitudes, or lack of individuality, the anonymous exercice of power
168 PINK look at (see) the world through rose-colored glasses to see things in a flattering or overoptimistic light
169 PINK pink slip
170 PINK to be in the pink to be in very good health
171 PINK tickled pink be very pleased, thrilled, delighted
172 PINK pink pound a reference to the gay economy
173 PINK pink dollar a reference to the gay economy
174 PINK pink euro a reference to the gay economy
175 PINK pink yen a reference to the gay economy
176 PURPLE purple with rage with a face that is dark red, caused by anger
177 PURPLE purple in the face with a face that is dark red, caused by anger
178 PURPLE purple patch a time when you are very successful - used especialy in news peports
179 PURPLE purple prose writing that uses difficult or unusual words - used in order to show disapproval
180 PURPLE purple passage writing that uses difficult or unusual words - used in order to show disapproval
181 PURPLE born to the purple born into the aristocracy or some other privileged background
182 RED catch (someone) red-handed to catch someone in the act of committing a crime, usually a theft
183 RED to be shown the red card to be dismissed from your job
184 RED to give red carpet treatment treat someone with great respect
185 RED to get the red-carpet treatment to receive very special treatment
186 RED one"s ears are red one has red ears from embarrassment
187 RED red tape bureaucratic paperwork
188 RED as red as a beetroot very red;to be ashamed
189 RED see red become extremely angry
190 RED roll out the red carpet greet a person with great respect, give a big welcome
191 RED to see the red light to recognize approaching danger, the red light being a danger signal
192 RED a redneck an ignorant, insensitive person
193 RED a red letter day a day of great importance
194 RED paint the town red celebrate
195 RED like a red rag to a bull likely to make someone angry
196 RED in the red overdrawn
197 RED red herring Something that draws attention away from the central issue
198 RED as red as a cherry bright red
199 RED as red as a poppy bright red
200 RED as red as a rose bright red
201 RED red alert maximum degree of readiness
202 RED red card signal that a player has to leave the football pitch for foul play
203 RED red-hot very keen
204 RED red light warning; notification to stop
205 RED red-blooded sexually potent
206 RED as red as blood very red
207 SILVER silver-tongued Having or exhibiting the power of fluent and persuasive speech; eloquent.
208 SILVER the silver screen the cinema
209 SILVER Silver spoon Inherited wealth
210 SILVER on a silver platter if something is given to you on a silver platter, you do not have to make any efforts to get it
211 SILVER silver bullet something that solves a difficult problem very quickly and easily
212 SILVER to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to be born into a rich family
213 SILVER every cloud has a silver lining used to say that is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult
214 VIOLET shrinking violet timid person
215 WHITE white as the driven snow very white
216 WHITE as white as a sheet in a state of great fear
217 WHITE white as a ghost very pale because of fear, shock, illness etc.
218 WHITE in black and white be extremely clear
219 WHITE white lie a harmless lie (told to be polite or to do something not seriously wrong)
220 WHITE a white-collar worker a professional or office worker who wear a shirt with a white collar
221 WHITE white Christmas when it snows at Christmas: 222 WHITE whitewash cover up the truth
223 WHITE white elephant a useless possession
224 WHITE whiter than white completely morally good
225 WHITE bleed someone dry or white seriously weaken someone by using up all their financial resources
226 WHITE swear (that) black is white stubbornly argue in one direction against clear evidence pointing in the other; be a flagrant liar; be compulsively argumentative
227 WHITE white feather sign of cowardice
228 WHITE white knight person or organisation which comes to the assistance of another
229 WHITE white man honourable person
230 WHITE white man"s burden euphemism for imperialism
231 WHITE whited sepulchre hypocrite
232 WHITE white nun from the colour of her dress
233 WHITE white tie a man"s formal evening dress
234 WHITE white Africa the parts of Africa ruled by white people