Трактування сутності понять: сталий розвиток, державне управління, державне регулювання, державне регулювання сталого розвитку - Статья

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Становлення концепції сталого розвитку, основні підходи та трактування щодо її сутності. Теоретичний аналіз наукових підходів до визначення поняття "державне регулювання". Дослідження складових державного регулювання сталого розвитку, його особливостей.

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Трактування сутності понять: сталий розвиток, державне управління, державне регулювання, державне регулювання сталого розвиткуThe concept of sustainable development (from the English - sustainable development) is quite controversial because combines two opposing conceptions: constancy (stability) and includes: ""sustain"", which means to support and "able" - the one with the ability) and development (the movement forward) (the term "development" clearly indicates development, evolution, growth, improvement, advancement). In the course of the study it has been found that the state regulation of sustainable development implies organized systematic actions to ensure the sustainable and balanced functioning of the economic, ecological and social subsystems, aimed at improving the quality and raising the standard of living of the population. However, the use of direct methods of influence (straightforward) (regulatory, administrative) is also necessary in state regulation, so state regulation is closely linked to public administration, and is impossible without state control. Accordingly, state regulation of sustainable development, should be defined as supporting, compensating and regulating activity of the state, realized on the basis of theoretical and methodological principles (doctrines, concepts, values, principles, guidelines, goals, aims) through a system of organized, purposeful, complex actions (measures) and mechanisms for their achievement (means, methods, levers and instruments of influence) and aimed at creating favorable conditions and environment for ensuring balanced development of the economic-socio-ecological environment (economic growth, achieving social stability, raising the level of global competitiveness of the country in terms of ensuring environmental sustainability) through the stimulation of innovation processes, the rational use of available resources, the development of ecosystems, aimed at improving quality and raising the standard of living of the population. The obtained research results allow to define a rather clear system of interconnections between the concepts of "state regulation", "public administration", "state policy", "targeted influence" within the framework of the system approach (i.e., each concept is considered as a certain system having its components and structure).

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