Tragic heroes in modern English literature - Дипломная работа

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Social and litery theories explaning place of the human being. The last generation as a representatives of the tragic hero. The tragedy of people in the novels by A. Miller and E. Heminqway. E. Heminqways Fiesta as a new approach to the tragic hero.

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CONTENT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. SOCIAL A CULTURAL CONTEXT IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE TWENTY CENTURE AS A BACKGROUND FOR A NEW TRAGIC HERO 1.1 Social and litery theories explaning place of the human being 1.2 The last generation as a new representatives of the tragic hero CONCLUSION CHAPTER II. THE TRAGIC HEROES OF ARTHUR MILLER BOOKS 2.1 The image of tragic hero in the works of Arthur Miller 2.2 E. Heminqway’s “Fiesta” as a new approach to the tragic hero 2.3 The tragic hero as representation problem in the works E. Heminqway and Arthur Miller CONCLUSION GENERAL CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Our work is devoted to the analysis of the novels by Arthur Miller and E. Heminqway. The plots of there novel generally revolve around the subject of tragedy of the main heroes and lay emphasis especially on its tremendous importance. The aim of our work is to reveal the tragedy of people in the novels by A. Miller and E. Heminqway. The hypothesis of our work is that the writers in their books represent the tragic hero. The aim has defined the next tasks: - to research the Social and litery theories explaning place of the human being; - to investigate the last generation as a new representatives of the tragic hero; - to investigate the image of tragic hero in the works of Arthur Miller and E. Heminqway’s “Fiesta” as a new approach to the tragic hero; - to research the tragic hero as representation problem in the works E. Heminqway and Arthur Miller. Object of research in the given work is A. Miller and E. Heminqway. Subject is the tragedy of the main heroes in A. Miller and E. Heminqway. The practical value is that it can be useful for anybody who is interested in life and work of the novels by A. Miller and E. Heminqway. While making our research we used the works of such linguists as Vinokur G.O., Suvorov S.P., Arnold I.V. and many others. During our work we used the works on the translation theory of such linguists as Levitskaya T.R., Fiterman A.M., Komissarov V.N., Alimov V.V., Shveytser A.D., Garbovskiy N.K., Dmitrieva L.F., Galperin I.R., Arnold I.V., Yakusheva I.V., van Deik, Kolshanskiy and others. We used also the articles from the the periodical editions. Concerning the aim and the tasks we have used such method as a descriptive one, the method of the experience, the contextual method and the comparative method. These methods weren’t used as the isolated methods, they were used in their complex to satisfy the aim and the task in the best way. CHAPTER I. SOCIAL A CULTURAL CONTEXT IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE TWENTY CENTURE AS A BACKGROUND FO RENEW TRAGIC HERO 1.1. Social and litery theories explaning place of the human being The term ‘Tragedy’ is used in a common parlance, and yet it cannot be reduced to a formula, for it has so many shades that it actually defies a logical analysis. An American critic has admirable summed up Tragedy in a few words: “Courage and inevitable defeat.” Now-a-days we can never think of a Tragedy without an unhappy ending. But the Greeks did. Philoctetes by Sophocles, for example, has no unhappy ending. There is a similarity between the ancient Greek Tragedy and a modern Tragedy. The hero and certain other characters are caught in a difficult situation. Tragedy is a form of art

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