The problem of the categories of time and aspect - Курсовая работа

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A Theoretical Overview of the approaches to the phenomenon of the Categories of tense and aspect in English. Different views on the notion of the categories of tense and aspect. Characteristics of means realizing the categories of tense and aspect.

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NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “IGOR SYKORSKY KYIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE” The Chair of Theory, Practice and Translation of English Term-paper in Grammatical aspects of translation “The problem of the categories of the tense and aspect in English” performed by: the 4th year student Group LE-43 Ishchuk Dariia Rostyslavivna supervised by: Taranenko Larysa Ivanivna Kyiv-2017 Contents Introduction Chapter I. A Theoretical Overview of the approaches to the phenomenon of the Categories of tense and aspect in English 1.1 Historical outlook on the study of tense and of aspect 1.1.1 The problem of tense development 1.2 Different views on the notion of the categories of tense and aspect 1.2.1 A general outline of the verb as a part of speech 1.2.2 The category of tense 1.2.3 The category of aspect 1.3 Characteristics of means realizing the categories of tense and aspect 1.3.1 The means that realize the category of tense 1.3.2 The means that realize the category of aspect Chapter II. The Use of the Categories o

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