The problem of systematization of philosophical categories: historical and philosophical conceptualization - Статья

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Principles of systematization of categories of philosophy. Categories of philosophy as the general forms of being and the cognitive-worldview of man to the world. Аpproaches and stages of building a system of philosophical interpretation of categories.

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УДК: 141 The problem of systematization of philosophical categories: historical and philosophical conceptualization Vlasenko Fedor The article attempts to explain the difficulty of systematization of philosophical categories. Philosophical categories are defined as common forms of cognitive and world view attitude of the man to the nature, society and his own existence. The article also analyses basic approaches to the process of creating the system of philosophical categories in the history of philosophical thought. The review of the major historical phases ofphilosophical interpretation of categories allows to state the existence of the problematic issue connected with forming the system of categories. A lot of attempts have been undertaken on this subject. All of them were found controversial. It can be explained by the fact that all the attempts to systematize categories contradict the following principles - if categories are universal reflection forms of objective characteristics of existence, then their hierarchy (introduced by the system) must be the reflection of these characteristics’ hierarchy. (for example, this person belongs to the category of highly educated people, a teacher of the highest category).

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