The experimental works for the use of electro activated water solutions in agroindustrial complex. The technology extraction of protein from sunflower oilseed meal and pea meal. The use of electro-activated aqueous solutions in agricultural sector.
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The practice of using electro-activated water solutions in agroindustrial complex Plutakhin Gennady Andreevitch Koshchaev Andreyi Georgievitsh Aider Mohammed Annotation In the present article the authors provide an overview of the results of experimental works for the use of electro activated water solutions in agroindustrial complex Keywords: anolyte, catholyte, electric activator, electro activated water solutions Аннотация Практика использования электроактивированных водных растворов в агропромышленном комплексе Плутахин Геннадий Андреевич канд. биол. наук, профессор Кубанский государственный аграрный университет, Россия, 350044, Краснодар, Калинина, 13 Кощаев Андрей Георгиевич д-р биол. наук, профессор Кубанский государственный аграрный университет, Россия, 350044, Краснодар, Калинина, 13 Аидер Мохаммед д-р техн. наук, профессор Лавальский университет, Квебек, Канада В настоящей работе приведен обзор результатов экспериментальных работ авторов по использованию электроактивированных водных растворов в агропромышленном комплексе Ключевые слова: анолит, католит, электроактиватор, электроактивированные водные растворы Water is the medium wherein all biochemical and biophysical processes originate in biological cell and its environment. In spite of simplicity of its molecule morphology water is capable to change its properties under series of physical actions. Electro activation occupies particular place among them [12, 16, 18]. Electro activation can be of two types - contact and noncontact [1, 2]. In the first case running electrolytic module or standing chambers divided by semipermeable nonselective membrane into two tanks are used; electrode is located in each of them. Upon connection constant-current source to electrodes electrochemical reactions occur on them in which participate dissolved in water electrolytes. As water itself is weak electrolyte its electrolysis is observed - oxygen is emerged at anode, and hydrogen - at cathode. Recoverable in anode module chamber cations lead to hydrogen ions strengthening, as a result of which water is oxided. Dissolved molecular oxygen and other oxidizing substances give rise to that oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of anolyte receives high positive value. In order to increase electroconductivity sodium chloride is added into water that leads during electrolysis to the occurrence of available chlorine in it. Such water is identified as anolyte and it is used as sterilizing solution. In cathodic part the solution in this regard is alkalizated, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) becomes negative. Acquired catholyte is possessed of good detergent properties. In the course of noncontact activation labilized solution is separated from anolyte or catholyte by water-impermeable thin membrane (glass, teflon, polyethylene and others).
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