The power of Americans - Контрольная работа

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Widespread point of view among foreigners that Americans only eat cheeseburgers. Favorite food of Americans on the picnic. A leading agricultural country. Climatic conditions for importing fruits . The popularity of family vegetable gardens as a hobby.

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Зачетная работа по Английскому языку По теме: «Питание Американцев» Студента группы ТО 4-1 ГБОУ СПО КСУ №32 Петрушина Юрия Владимировича Москва Кремль 2013 The widespread point of view among foreigners that Americans eat only cheeseburgers, Coca-Cola and fried potatoes is true as well as the opinion of Americans that the food of British is tea and fish with potatoes, Germans eat beer and stewed cabbage, and French red wine and garlic. - New York Strip Steak. cheeseburger agricultural climate Ordinary idea of typical American food is explained by the fact that the advertized product pretty often is a fake. Americans uses special cattle for meat, this cattle is fed with grain, and its not the same one, that is for milking. As a result the real American beef is more gentle and tasty than that, which is usually offered in Europe as American steak. Potatoes sold abroad which are entirely baked in a foil are not the well-known potatoes from Idaho. It has other pulp and a peel that is explained by a climate and soil

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