Сomparative analysis of a federal countries participation in the international affairs and the role of subjects within the federation in the process of its external policy establishment. Involvement of subnational actors into the international relations.
MOSCOW STATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA (MGIMO-UNIVERSITY), B.A. in Government and International Affairs School of Government and International Affairs The phenomenon of “paradiplomacy” Done by: Milena Gonchar, SGIA Bachelor Student 2nd year Scientific advisor: Zonova Tatiana. Moscow, 2017. The phenomenon of “paradiplomacy” originates from the 1980s of the 20th century. The term was employed for the first time by the researchers in the sphere of comparative analysis of the federal countries’ participation in the international affairs and the role of subjects within the federation in the process of its external policy establishment. The father of such a concept was an American author Ivo Duchacek. international relation federal policy The context of two interrelated global tendencies -globalization and regionalization, is the key aspect in the formation of the world modern processes. An increased involvement of subnational actors into the international relati
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