The peculiarities of technical translation in the sphere of trade - Курсовая работа

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Translation of technical literature as a special discipline. Characteristics of lexical and grammatical transformation. The linguistic features of texts. "False friends" of translator. Lexicology and grammar of letter. Transfer of titles in articles.

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Управление Образования г. Алматы Алматинский Государственный Гуманитарно-Педагогический Колледж Специальность 0832002 «Переводческое дело» Курсовая работа По предмету: «Теория и практика перевода» «The peculiarities of technical translation in the sphere of trade» Алматы - 2010 Contents Introduction 1. Theoretical part. Lexical problems in translation of technical texts 1.1 Translation of technical literature as a special discipline 1.2 Disclosure of the concept «Technical translation» 1.3 Lexico-grammatical transformations 1.4 Linguistic peculiarities of technical texts 1.5 «False friends» of translator 1.6 Lexicology and grammar of technical literature 1.7 Translation of headlines in technical articles 2. The Practical Part Conclusion Bibliography Appendix Introduction The present course work deals with the lexical problems in translation of technical texts and research the main methods of translation of Technical texts at a deeper level. In connection with the rapid developments in technology and increase the technical information practical value of technical translation was raised. Translation is a mean of interlingual communication. The translator makes possible an exchange of information between users of different languages by producing in the target language a text which has an identical communicative value with the source text. Technical translation or research in language for specific purposes has long been considered as a field of the exact sciences, and the idea of cultural embedding of technical texts was dismissed. When someone calls language technical in everyday life, it is usually understood to mean that its message is hard to grasp. In scientific circles however the modifier has a happier connotation. The expressiveness and flexibility of natural language make it hard to process in a methodical fashion, and researchers generally understand ‘technical text’ to mean writing which is more tractable because, for example, it lacks figurative language and can be understood in its literal sense. The aim of our course work is to study and analyse the lexical problems in translation of technical texts. There are 3 following objectives: 1. To characterize the translation of technical texts. 2. To give a detailed explanation of constructions which cause special difficulties while translating. 3. To suggest some strategies for translating technical texts. The subject of research - peculiarities in translation of technical texts in the sphere of trade. The purpose of this work - the study of language features and technical literature on the lexical level. In way translation of technical texts is the opposite of literary translation in what concerns the freedom of translator’s actions and choices. The technical texts are highly standardized this applies both to the structure of the whole text (macrostructure) and to the arrangement of individual paragraphs and sentence (microstructure). Depending on the type of document the composition and content of its individual parts may slightly vary. This course work is intended for students who are already aware of the basics and peculiarities of the grammatical and syntax of the English language. That is why it offers some introduction in translation of technical texts which can cause special difficulties while translating. In my course work I have used the following resources: · The usage of different information such as books, references and Internet. · The own experience of work as a translator from English into Russian. As for the structure of this project, it consists of the following parts: Introduction Theoretical part Practical part Conclusion Bibliography Introduction gives the full review of all course work; it contains objectives, short description of each part of my course work. The theoretical part present the analyze of theoretical aspects in translation of technical texts. The theoretical part gives a detailed review of the study of the theory of translation and also reveals the role of technical literature and terms in everyday life of the humanity which are believed to be interesting to future translator/interpreters. It also discussed the methods of translation of technical text with purpose to make it easier for translator to achieve adequate translation in the target language. Also theoretical part deals with the detailed study of grammatical and lexical, difficulties involved in translation of political literature. It have been also attached some samples of translation of technical expressions and variants of possible translations so that to enable the future translator to benefit from the given paper in their further researches in the fields of translation. In practical part I tried to apply all knowledge that I have obtained. I prepared translation of automobile, because it is good example of technical text and common for everyday life of humanity. In conclusion we have summed up the results of our laborious investigation translation of tec

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