The problems caused new requirements to pedagogical activity of teachers of foreign languages. Forming readiness to use information technologies(in professional activity and in self-training) as one of the necessary qualities of future teacher for today.
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THE PECULIARITIES OF FORMING THE CONTENTS OF TRAINING MANUAL ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES FORTHE FUTURE TEACHERS OF ARTS & HUMANITIES Гуржій Андрій Миколайович - доктор технічних наук, професор, дійсний член Національної академії педагогічних наук України, лауреат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, заслужений працівник освіти України Карташова Любов Андріївна - доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри інформаційних технологій Київського національного лінгвістичного університету, lkartashova@ua.Jm, Латиський Віталій Васильович - кандидат фізико-математичних наук, доцент, керівник науково-дослідної теми відділу математичної та інформатичної освіти, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту педагогіки Національної академії педагогічних наук України The problems caused by fundamentally new requirements to pedagogical activity of modern teachers of foreign languages are examined in the article. The terms of development of training manual are marked as a constituent of the authorial system of teaching information technologies to students - the future teachers of foreign languages, whose task is forming readiness to use the information technologies(in professional activity and in self-training) as one of the necessary qualities of future teacher for today. Keywords: information technology, educational book, content, education system, a student, a teacher in the future, humanitarian specialties, school, IT-readiness. pedagogical information technology teacher Introduction Informatization is presently examined as one of the leading ways of modernization of the system of education and must provide passing to realization of new aims of education, its new paradigm, which consists in the orientation of studies on development of personality, forming of capacities for self-development for all the subjects of teaching without an exception. Appearance of the National doctrine of education development, in which a new paradigm - orientation on the new type of humanistically-innovative education, its competitiveness in European and world spaces, education of the young generation, that will have necessary to the competence for studies during the life and will be apt at a personality world spiritually-view choice, is marked in that, became considerable progress. Objective, socially predefined, transition processes to informative society require introduction of innovative methods of teaching and studies that will provide the competitiveness of the system of formation in Ukraine. Practical experience and results of the special pedagogical researches accumulated in the process of informatization of education show that the use of information technologies (ІТ) in education positively affects the results of educational process on all its levels [2; 3; 7]. The use of electronic facilities of teaching at classes provides avoidance of monotony in the work of teacher and student at a class, visible presentation of objects and processes, use of video plots, possibility of operative exposure of level of educational achievements of students, differentiation and individualization of teaching [4]. A maximally possible achievement of the pre-arranged aims of teaching, development (forming) of key and subjective competence of teaching subjects is impossible without updating of the methodical systems by the use of modern ІТ in the educational process.
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