Establishing a favorable environment for investments, removing administrative barriers. Establishing high-technology parks. Formation of financial mechanisms to attract and support investments, tax stimulation measures. Brand promotion of Russian regions.
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The improvement of Russia’s investment climate: problems and perspectives Foreign investment has a significant role in the countrys economic development, so Russian Government takes certain measures for encouragement of foreign investments. A lot of factors facilitate the investment climate, however, the implementation of those factors should be interconnected, otherwise the results would not be evident. One should pay attention to the aspect that the investment growth is inseparably linked with innovations in the country. At this level of the economy development an effective state policy can lead to a colossal shift of production value of innovation products in Russia. The significant feature of this innovation cycle is investment raising in different industries, including participation of foreign investors. The main idea is not so much investment raising by using natural resources and rather cheap work force of the country (this would mean that Russia will be involved in endless low-productive competition f
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