The impact of fast food people"s health in Kazakhstan - Контрольная работа

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Fast food is the main cause of obesity and the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Characteristic of the list of the most harmful of quick meal products. Having a large number of calories and the negative impact of the eating on the human body.

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The impact of fast food people ‘s health in Kazakhstan Introduction Now the rhythm of life is very quickly. They have too many works and actions. Therefore they have not enough time for trifles. Simply people want speed for all appointments. And this speed not to allow people for normal food. Performing the work they approves a fast food. Day by day people’s food only becomes the worst. Right now in any normal place have a cafe or the center for a fast food. And demand for such center is much more than other restaurants and other centers of food. Today millions of people, adults and children, suffer from excess weight and unhealthy food, and the excessive use in food of instant food becomes the main reason for obesity. A fast food problem one of threats of mankind - doctors speak. However, the number of his admirers for some reason doesnt decrease. Such food isnt neither useful, nor correct. Therefore to speak about the harm done by fast food to our health, important and actually. Knowing harmful influence nu

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