The concept and structure of the financial system of the state, its role, tasks and functions in the economy. The legislative basis for the development of the financial system of Kazakhstan. Development and improvement of the financial system the state.
Commodity-money, the relationship of wages). 3) management in finance always is organizational, because finance is its own organizational efforts or occur, not can not function. 4) financial planning growth given for budgeting, banking planning, financial planning public enterprises and organizations. 5) types of financial control receives the budget, banking, institutional control. The financial system of the state is a set of various financial links and financial relations. In the economic literature, the financial system is studied in three aspects: 1. The set of financial relationships. 2. The collection of funds of funds. 3. Financial management apparatus. Financial relations are a set of economic relations emerging between the state and enterprises. organizations, industries, and individuals in connection with the movement of funds. Picture 1. Financial System of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1.2 Financial system and their role in the economy At the present stage of public finances in developed foreign countries includes four units: the state budget; local finances; special off-budget funds and finances of state enterprises. The leading element of public finances appears the state budget. According to its material content - is the main central fund of funds of the state. State budget - the main means of redistribution of national income. Through this link the financial system is redistributed to 40% of national income. The state budget revenues are concentrated the largest and most important politically and economically expenditures. It contains organic linking major financial institutions - taxes, home loans, expenses. The main income of the state budget are the taxes that make up 70 to 90% or more of its total revenues. For the state budget in countries with developed market economies secured major taxes - income tax on individuals, corporation tax, excise tax, value added tax, customs duties. From the state budget are made and the main costs: military objectives, intervention in the economy, the state apparatus, social spending, subsidies and loans to developing countries. The state budget in a position closely connected with other parts of the financial system. He performs a coordinating center, is in a market economy the help they need. This assistance is in the form of budgetary grants, loans, guarantees, ensures the proper functioning of the other parts of the financial system, the solution of their tasks. The next in importance is the link of the financial system of local finance. In modern conditions influenced the development of the productive forces, scientific and technical progress is an increase in the role and influence of local authorities. The phenomenon of the local economy, their relationship and dependence on big business, expand and become more complex functions of local authorities. All this reinforces the importance of local finance, enhances their role and share in the financial system. Local Finance cover a wide group of minor taxes (mainly of a property), the system of local credit, special funds. Central to this link belongs to the local budgets, which are not included in the state budget and have a certain amount of autonomy. The structure of local government finance is determined by the device and the administrative division of the state. Under present conditions this link financial system is increasingly used for economic purposes, for the regulation of economic processes. To this end, a significant part of local budgets is directed to the development of economic and social infrastructure. Special financial link form special government funds, which have a certain autonomy, separated from the state budget and managed directly by the central, and in some cases - and local authorities. These include the social security funds, various trust funds, as well as public and semi-public financial and credit institutions. The original purpose of these funds was to finance specific targeted interventions. Subsequently, they acquire value reserve, to which the government resorted to in cases of financial hardship, i.e. used to improve the maneuverability of the financial system. In contrast to the state budget, special funds are subject to much less control by parliaments, making them easier to use and increases the interest of governments in their growth. Separate financial link form finances of state enterprises. Its occurrence is associated with the development of the public sector in the economy of a number of Western European countries (Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria) - a process that is most prevalent after World War II. Its main task is to support the private sector through the preservation and development of important industries, which by their nature have low profitability and thus unfavorable to entrepreneurship (rail, air transport, electricity, gas, coal, etc.).
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