The evolution of grammatical categories of English noun - Курсовая работа

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The definition of "noun", its use in sentences. Characteristics of the main features of English nouns, their grammatical classes and categories. Consideration of grammatical number as a sign of semantic number. Morphological Classification of Nouns.

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Bishkek Humanities University named after K. Karasaev The Faculty of European Civilizations The Theory and Practice of Translation Department Course paper The evolution of grammatical categories of English noun Done by: Ibragimova Sh., group A-13-1 Bishkek-2015 Plan Introduction Chapter 1. The English noun 1.1 The definition of English noun 1.2 Semantic Characteristics of English Nouns 1.3 Grammatical Categories. The Use of Cases 1.4 The Category Of Number of the English noun 2. Morphological Classification of Nouns. Declensions 2.1 The noun. Decay of Noun Declensions in Early Middle English Conclusion Bibliography Introduction By learning English one can learn not only a language but culture, history, traditions and values of people, of English speaking countries as well. The theme of this course paper sounds as following: «The Evolution of grammatical categories of English noun». The aim of this work is to explore the evolution of grammatical categories of English noun. The theoretical value of the course paper is that it can serve as an additional resource for the aspect «History of language». The practical value is that it can serve as an additional resource for seminars, individual reading, and broaden background knowledge of the learners. The topicality of this work is that this work can be helpful for the students of English department for lectures. The tasks of this work are following: 1. To give definition to term «Noun». 2. To describe main features of English nouns. 3. To define grammatical categories of English nouns. The structure of the course paper is following: - Content - Introduction - Chapter I - Chapter II - Conclusion - Bibliography The main part of this course work includes several items. There we discussed such problems as definition of nouns, main features of English nouns, their grammatical categories. In the conclusion to this course work, we tried to draw some results from the scientific investigations made within the main part of our course work. In bibliography part, we mentioned 9 sources of which were used while compiling the present work. It includes linguistic books and articles dealing with the theme, a number of used dictionaries, encyclopedias and some internet sources. Chapter 1. The English noun 1.1 The definition of English noun Of all the parts of speech, nouns are perhaps the most important. A noun is a word that identifies a person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Here, we’ll take a closer look at what makes a noun a noun, and we’ll provide some noun examples, along with some advice for using nouns in your sentences. · Person - A term for a person, whether proper name, gender, title, or class, is a noun. · Animal - A term for an animal, whether proper name, species, gender, or class is a noun. · Place - A term for a place, whether proper name, physical location, or general locale is a noun. · Thing - A term for a thing, whether it exists now, will exist, or existed in the past is a noun. · Idea - A term for an idea, be it a real, workable idea or a fantasy that might never come to fruition is a noun. The word «noun» comes from the Latin nomen meaning «name». Word classes like nouns were first described by Sanskrit grammarian Panini and ancient Greeks like Dionysius Thorax, and defined in terms of their morphological properties. For example, in Ancient Greece, nouns can be inflected for grammatical case, such as dative or accusative. Verbs, on the other hand, can be inflected for tenses, such as past, present or future, while nouns cannot. Aristotle also had a notion of onomata (nouns) and rhemata (verbs) which, however, does not exactly correspond our notions of verbs and nouns.

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