Description, types of jobs. Requirements for the workplace. Efficiency and rationalization of service jobs. The scientific organization in the workplace. The effective workplace as a reserve intensification of production. Methods and ways to improve job.
The primary unit of the company, which is the process of converting entry (resources, signed) in the exit (product, service), a working system - a job which can function relatively independently in their specialty. Workplace - is part of production area, which is equipped with all necessary equipment, tools, devices and is designed to perform certain labor operations of the manufacturing process. [2, p.. 123] In terms of organizational and technical job involves rational choice and placement of technical means to ensure safe and efficient operation of workers in the respective divisions. The organizations workplace - a system of measures to its specialization, and necessary means and objects of labor, their placement in a particular order, external appearance and creating a supportive and safe working conditions. Organization of service job involves providing workplace tools, work items and services necessary for the implementation of the labor process in accordance with established regulations. [12, p. 71] Every workplace has its own specifics, related to the characteristics of the production process, a variety of specific forms of labor in production. Type of employment is determined by such factors as type of production, the level of cooperation and division of labor, degree of mechanization and automation of equipment in the workplace and others. Jobs are classified by the following parameters. As the main element of the personnel management system is a job, there are two groups of tasks that are required to define this concept. The first is technological, body approach, and ergonomic problems connected with designing technolotech and labor processes, improve working conditions, operatyv him control of production. Second - the task of planning the number of personnel, labor market analysis and employment Operation of the workplace is determined by technical, technological, organizational, economic, social, ergonomic, psychophysiological, and other factors. Workplace imposes corresponding requirements for secondary and vocational training of specialized workers, its discipline and responsibility range. In the process of production jobs operate in close relationship based on the achieved level of distribution and op sense to work in accordance with applicable technology, creating thus organically connected set - system jobs. To evaluate the job using the system parameters that char rakteryzuyut their technical and technological, organizational and socio-economic level in comparison with the best domestic inrodnohospodarskymy and international achievements. Workplace as any kind has quantitative and qualitative characteristics. If on the basis of the scale items of work and concentration regime change operation jobs formed keel kisni options in this category, the requirements for professional qualificationtion, demographic and psychophysical data worker, and organizational and technical level of quality characteristics form rystyky workplace. Balancing employment is to maintain a constant balance between these two systems requirements. [6, p. 117] 1.2 Requirements for the workplace The organization and structure of employment must meet the requirements for individual and collective forms of labor. Workplace organization - is to create a complex organizational and technical conditions for effective and safe work. At the critical role of tools starting point in organizing the workplace is the subject of work. Depending on its parameters Rowe (weight, dimensions, quality requirements, etc.) designed process of specifying the type and nature of the tools (machines, equipment, tools, devices), is determined in advance and the equipment rigging job.
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