The English compliment: communicative strategies and tactics - Статья

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The functional role of the compliment as a speech tactics in the process of communication and establishing regularity in its relative frequency of use in the aspect of psychological impact on the listener. Norms of speech etiquette and politeness.

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National University «Odessa Law Academy» Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department The English compliment: communicative strategies and tactics Ievgenija U. Abramova, Ph. D. in Philological Sciences Summary This study is aimed at investigation of the compliment as a specific speech tactics in the conversation used for optimization the dialogical process. The main objective of this work consists in defining the functional role of the compliment as a specific speech tactics in the process of communication and establishing regularity in its relative frequency of use in the aspect of psychological and speech impact on the listener. This work also studies correlations in the relative use frequency of the compliment as a speech tactics as it is realized in different communicative strategies. The author determines the status of the communicative strategies differentiating them in accordance with norms of the speech etiquette and principles of politeness. In the process of work a new original definition of the compliment is given as an instrument of possible mental and speech impact on the interlocutor and the role of the compliment is studied in the communicative strategies singled out. The whole corpus of the actual material counts 6500 speech samples selected consequently from the literary dialogue of the original English novel. The author argues that compliments employed as a universal speech tactics in the process of dialogical interaction serve to optimize the communication process in general, and contribute to realization the speaker’s communicative goal. Key words: the compliment, speech tactics, communicative strategies, dialogue, speech impact. Анотація У фокусі запропонованого дослідження знаходиться вивчення компліменту як особливої мовленнєвої тактики в розмові, що вживається з метою оптимізації процесу діалогізації.

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