The English borrowings in Russian language - Курсовая работа

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Borrowed English words in Russian language. The reasons of borrowing anglicisms. The classification of anglicisms. The impact of borrowed words on Russian language. Anglicisms’ role in everyday life, sphere of their use, impact on the lives of teenagers.

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Ministry of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University Language and Literature Institute Germanic Philology Department COURSE PAPER The English borrowings in Russian language Petropavlovsk, 2016 INTRODUCTION 1. Borrowed English words in Russian language 1.1 The reasons of borrowing anglicisms 1.2 The classification of anglicisms 1.3 The impact of borrowed words on Russian language 2. Anglicisms’ role in everyday life 2.1 Sphere of anglicisms usage 2.2 The interview of my groupmates 2.3 The interview of teachers and parents 2.4 The impact of anglicisms on Russian teenagers’ lives CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX A INTRODUCTION Our society is developing all the time and so the language changes too. Every single year new words appear in languages. Each language has borrowed words, and Russian language is not an exception. Russian speaking people have been engaged in political, commercial, scientific and cultural relations with other nations since ancient times. Therefore, Russian language has been enriched with many words from other languages. Our ancestry used new words to name new things, most of the borrowed words refer to nouns. Though it is also worth mentioning that there were a great number of people who did not use new borrowings due to the lack of education. It is quite clear that different age groups have different aptitude for using Anglicism. In fact they are more popular among young people who tend to be more interested in new trends connected to European culture. We believe that the subject that we research is really important and actual, because we often use the words of English origin. Frequently using such words we somehow change our language. As much as language is connected to traditional knowledge and culture, it must be capable of incorporating new vocabulary to meet the needs of young people in order to remain vibrant. We find the phenomenon of borrowings fascinating as it proves that any language is a living being. The object of the research: English borrowings in modern Russian language The subject of the research: factors influence the borrowings in Russian language The focuses of the work are English borrowings in modern Russian language. Contemporary English is the main source of borrowings for many other languages including Russian. The aim of the work is to the role of Borrowings in people’s life The main tasks are: 1. to determine the reasons of borrowings and to describe the classification of anglicisms; 2. to analyze the functioning of borrowing in different age categories 3. to scrutinize influence of anglicisms on popular speech of teenagers and make a list of the most popular English borrowing used in the areas of communication , such as “Twitter”, “e-mail”, “Agent@Mail.Ru”, “ВКонтакте”, “”, “”, “SMS” In the given course paper the following methods are used: 1) Descriptive method with the elements of observation of linguistic phenomena. 2) Method of systematization, classification and comparison. 3) Sociological survey. The hypothesis of the study: on the one hand the emergence of new words expands vocabulary, and on the other the use of a huge amount of unnecessary borrowings debases any language that loses its originality and unique beauty. In order to achieve the aims we have studied the articles in the magazines, read the necessary material from the Internet and literature. We found out the classifications of borrowings organized by Hocket, which we apply in the work. This classification helps to understand different ways of borrowings. We also consider the phenomenon of language mixing, especially among youth. Such mixing occurs both in oral and written speech. In addition, our work contains the results of the survey, which we conducted among students. It analyses the attitude towards the usage of loanwords among both teenagers and their parents. We enclose a list of the most popular borrowed words dividing them according to the sphere of application. The problem of borrowings is rather complicated as, on the one hand, Anglicisms expand our language and make it more modern, but, on the other hand, they clog it. In this research, we intend to analyze the main reasons of popularity of English words among young people. 1. BORROWED ENGLISH WORDS IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The inflow of foreign words increased during the reign of Peter I. Furthermore, plenty of words came to our language in the early XIX century (especially many words in political sphere). It has no connection to calling somebody. It means to use a computer mouse.аскать (to ask-просить) Loan-blendor hybrids. Is a form in which one element is a loanword and the other is a native element (English roots and Russian suffixes, prefixes and endings): positive - позитив, позитивный;), primitive - примитивный, objective -объективный. 4. Among new borrowings there are a lot of slang words. Why do teenagers use these words instead of t

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