The higher education in United Kingdom. Pre-school, secondary and further education in Great Britain. National curriculum for primary and secondary education. Special educational needs and independent schools. Simplified circuit of education of UK.
The Education system in Great Britain Plan 1. Structure of Great Britain education 1.1 Education system in the UK. School system 1.2 National curriculum for primary and secondary education 1.3 Pre-school education 1.5 Primary education 1.6 Secondary education 1.7 Further education 1.8 National curriculum for primary and secondary education 1.9 Qualification 1.10 Special educational needs 1.11 Independent schools 2. Higher education 2.1 Student finances 3. Simplified circuit of education of Great Britain 1. Structure of Great Britain education Higher education in Great Britain the percentage of young people entering universities in Britain is lower than in the United States, where more than half attend. In Britain the proportion was one in three in 1996. Nowadays the higher education in UK is not free. For a resident of the country the fee for a year of study is 2000 pounds, while for a foreign student this fee is much higher. A foreign student has to pay 16 thousand pounds a year. So after finishing secondary school you can apply to a university. At the age of 16 students are tested in various subjects to earn a General Certificate of Secondary Education. If they wish to go on to higher education at a university, they take Advanced Level examinations, commonly known as “A” Levels. Good A-level results in at least 2 subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. However, good exam 29 passes are not enough. Universities choose their students after interviews. British universities are comparatively small, the approximate number of students studying there is about 7-8 thousand students. A university usually consists of colleges. The departments of the colleges are organized into faculties. The academic year in Britains universities is divided into 3 terms. In the university students have a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes. Lectures are given to large groups of students while seminars are much smaller than lectures. Lectures and seminars are all one hour in length, laboratory classes last 2 or 3 hours. After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take Masters Degree (I year of study) and then a Doctors Degree (from 2 to 5 years). (Public schools in the USA never mean private schools as they do in England). Then there are also private schools which charge high tuition fees and this is why usually only children from rich families attend these schools. But nearly all private schools offer scholarships. Only those private schools which are financed by various religious groups or organizations are, however, much cheaper. All public schools are mixed schools (coeducational - for boys and girls), some private or church schools remain single-sex. It includes a lunch break and sometimes free hours during the day. School uniforms are worn only at private schools. Pre-school and elementary education includes nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4-6. Most of them are private. Many public schools have kindergartens attached, for the age group between 5 and 6. These kindergartens do not charge any money. Compulsory education starts at the age of 6. Both elementary and secondary education is comprehensive in the U.S.A. - it means that there is no selection for various types of schools (every school learns the same subjects). The oldest and the most respected universities are usually private: Harvard (1636, Cambridge - near Boston, MA, founded by John Harvard, who was born in London and whose parents came from Stratford-upon-Avon in England), College of William and Mary (1693, Williamsburg, VA), Yale University (1701, New Haven, CT), University of Pennsylvania (1740, Philadelphia, PA), Princeton University (1746, Princeton, NJ), College of Columbia (1754, New York).
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