The Bauer media group. The Bertelsmann is a German multinational mass media corporation. The Axel Springer Verlag. The German media industry. Company that is specialised in production and delivery of media in the form of digital, audio, video.
Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Запорізький національний технічний університет» Міністерства освіти і науки України Факультет гуманітарно-правовий Кафедра журналістики РЕФЕРАТ The Biggest German Media Companies Студентки групи ГП-421 Гапоненко Тетяни Юріївни Викладач Брутман Ганна Богданівна Запоріжжя 2013 The Biggest German Media Companies A media company is a company that is specialised in production and delivery of media in the form of digital, audio, video, print and events. Media companies are designed to connect and strengthen the relationship between the mediums audience and the sponsor of the medium. The media has long been referred to as the Fourth Estate. The German media industry is developed and remains successful today. Digital technologies offer new opportunities - network and mobile platforms allow us to offer readers, users and advertisers with new services. The Biggest German Media Companies include such companies: “The Bauer media group”, “The Bertelsmann”, “The Axel Springer Verlag”. “Th
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