The basic elements of tax law - Контрольная работа

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Tax law - the codified system of financial legislation that describes government levies on economic transactions. Taxpayers - organizations, persons who are under an obligation to pay charges. Differences in the interpretation of unremovable doubts.

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Introduction Among economic instruments, by means of which the state influences market economy, taxes play the important role. In conditions of market economy any state widely uses a tax policy as the certain regulator of influence on the negative phenomena of the market. Taxes, as well as all tax system, are the powerful tool of management of economy in conditions of the market. The use of the taxes is one of the economical methods of government and maintenance of interconnection of the interests of the State with individual persons, commercial organizations forms of ownership and organizational - the legal form of the enterprise. By means of taxes mutual relations of businessmen, the enterprises of all forms of ownership with the state and local budgets, with banks, and also with the higher organizations are defined. 1. Taxes and the Tax Law A tax is a compulsory charge or other levy imposed on an individual or a legal entity by a state or a functional equivalent of a state (e.g., tribes, secessionist movem

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