Теория игр, полезность и причинно-следственная связь - Статья

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Статья Философия Философия Размещено: 18.09.2019
Применение вероятностного подхода для кардиналистского измерения полезности на основе вероятностного подход. Развитие измерения полезности экономического блага при игнорировании диалектического подхода. Математические начала натуральной философии.

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Теория игр, полезность и причинноследственная связьDeparture from the deterministic approach to determining the usefulness of economic benefits was introduced development of the theory of games. Application of the probabilistic approach for the updated the cardinal measure of utility based on a probabilistic approach, breathknown work J. von Neumann and O. Typing in the act of measurement, i.e. comparison, and then selecting the individual mathematical probability, Neumann and Morgenstern provided the person making the choice to compare not only well-defined events in the form of available goods and their usefulness, but also to evaluate their combination based on the probability of occurrence. The flaw of this approach to the measurement of the net in the first place is that the very probability p, which is a mathematical probability, should be shown or measured in the same class of events, i.e. do not differ from each other. The main reason for criticism of such a measurement is useful - it is the focus of the act of measurement authors only quantitative measure of utility - mathematical probability p, while there is also a measure of quality, the need to consider is strongly encouraged to pay attention to a more general approach to the act of measurement - dialectical.

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