Стиль життя як соціальна практика: теоретичний аналіз основних підходів - Статья

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Аналіз концепту "стиль життя" в контексті розуміння його як соціальної практики, його основні змістові характеристики, структура. Місце поняття соціальної практики в сучасній соціологічній теорії. Аналіз соціальної взаємодії як основи соціальної практики.

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Стиль життя як соціальна практика: теоретичний аналіз основних підходів

Д.А. МатюхінВизначено, що стиль життя як соціальна практика, в основі якої лежать типізовані зразки соціальної дії та взаємодії, виступає як значеннєва схема інтерпретації власного досвіду індивіда й конкретної ситуації взаємодії на основі ціннісно-нормативних зразків конкретного соціально-культурного середовища. Обосновано, что стиль жизни как социальная практика, в основе которой лежат типизованные образцы социального действия и взаимодействия, выступает в качестве смысловой схемы интерпретации опыта индивида и конкретной ситуации взаимодействия на основе ценностно-нормативных образцов конкретной социально-культурной среды. A lifestyle in sociological science is examined: 1) as a criterion of social stratification, coming forward as explanatory to construct of theory of social inequality; 2) as maintenance and form of social behavior in public, and consumer, in particular; 3) as relative possibility of choice of identification strategies of personality on the basis of public values and own necessities; 4) lifestyles are represented in social cooperation of individuals, in which they will realize the requirements in the increase of social status, success and prestige. Sociological reflection of the basic theoretical and methodological going near understanding of category «social practice» allowed to distinguish next semantic descriptions of lifestyle as social practice: 1 in a structuralist constructivism a lifestyle understands as an aggregate of social practices, formed in the certain sociocultural field, is generated by a habitus through realization of charts of interpretations of social reality and reformulation criteria of acquisition of status and prestige an agent - social capital; 2) in the theory of social action - a lifestyle is an aggregate of permanent public practices of social subject, in which his intercommunication is carried out with the frame of society and other subjects within the limits of certain culture and interval of time, and also subjectively certain vital necessities will be realized; 3) in a theory by structuring basis of lifestyle as social practice the system of standards of social cooperation of his subjects, which is recreated through institutionalization and normative system, comes forward; 4) in ethnomethodological approach social practices are principles of explanation, interpretation and reflection of everyday actions and cooperations on the basis of certain cultural standards and templates, a lifestyle as social practice is determined that is why, from one side, by a cultural context, field of life of individual or task forces, and, on the other hand - by the value of concrete situation necessities and expectations of individual will be realized in which; a 5) lifestyle in the theory of exchange is examined as social cooperation and practice of social subjects, which is based on rational reason of receipt of benefit in a social aspect; 6) in symbolic interactionism lifestyle as social practice social cooperation lies in basis of which comes forward as a value chart of interpretation of own experience of individual, concrete situation of cooperation and as accordance to interpretations of other actors of cooperation; a 7) lifestyle in phenomenological approach is social practice of daily occurence, based on interpretation of experience creation of new senses of cooperation, id est a lifestyle represents semantic nature of social actions and cooperations of individuals; a 8) lifestyle in the theory of the social constructing of reality is determined as a general for an individual (taskforce, association) chart of typification of social cooperation. Certainly, that lifestyle as social practice the typifying standards of social action and cooperation lie in basis of which comes forward as a value chart of interpretation of own experience of individual and concrete situation of cooperation on the basis of valued-normative standards of concrete sociocultural environment.

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