St. Uspenska Pochaevska Laura - Топик

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Pochaevska Laurels is situated in the West of Ukraine in seventy kilometers from the city of Ternopol and in twenty kilometers from the city Kremenec. It is situated on the high stony mountain towering above all vicinity more than on seventy five meters.

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St. Uspenska Pochaevska Laura Pochaevska Laurels is situated in the West of Ukraine in seventy kilometers from the city of Ternopol and in twenty kilometers from the city Kremenec. It is situated on the high stony mountain towering above all vicinity more than on seventy five meters. At a sole of mountain from three parties the place New Pocaev is located. The first historical data on Laurels concern to the beginning of the thirteenth century, by time of invasion of the Tatar khan Batiy for the Kiev Russ. After rout of Kiev and destruction of its relics some orthodox Enoch of Kiev caves ran on the West and have lodged in district Pochaevska Mountain. The founder on Mountain was Saint Mephodiy. Curative Stop of the Virgin As the national legend which has been written down in ancient books says, the Phenomenon of Divine Mother on Pochaevska Mountain was in 1920. St. the Virgin was to several monks and one layman-shepherd by name Join (Ioann). On a place, where there was a phenomenon, Tsarina Heavenly has left a

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