Сommunism - Презентация

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The role of communism as an economic system in which all means of production belong to the people, private property does not exist, and goods and services are distributed evenly. Victims of communism in Romania. The reasons for the collapse of communism.

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Communism CSSE 111K Zhunusov GARIFOLLAWHAT is COMMUNISMWHAT is communism and main aim of communism Communism ТАУ an economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, private property does not exist , and all goods and services are shared equally .-An economy based solely on democracy, everyone decides together what to plant and sell а а-No central leader to decide without the opinions of everyone а а-No discrimination because of money or class а а-No business leaders that get greedy and make an economy fail in their wake а а-No unnecessary spending or a wasting of excess money65 million in the а People"s Republic of China 20 million in the а Soviet Union 2 million in Cambodia 2 million in а North Korea 1.7 million in Africa 1.5 million in а Afghanistan 1 million in the а Communist states of Eastern Europe 1 million in а Vietnam 150,000 in Latin America (mainly а Cuba ) 10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.The Romanian Communism How many victims did the Communism in Romania? From a restrictive perception, this syntagm mentions the former political detainees during 1945-1989 (the number is not determined due to the lack of official statistics and of the Security which jailed in camps and prisons thousands of people without a trail. The real victims of the Communism are the relatives of those arrested (who were kicked out from their house , school and also lost their job), the Romanian soldiers who were taken prisoners by the Red Army, after 23rd of August (many of them died in captivity), their families, the people removed from Banat to Baragan , the citizens forced to work at Bicaz and other building sites , villagers killed or jailed during the collectivization, the people who were perforce hospitalized in psychiatric homes, the strikers from Valea Jiului and Brasov who were transported, the women who died because of the illegal miscarriages", the children rendered sick with AIDS and the list goes on. Starting from the collected data at the International Centre of Studies concerning Resistance and Communism created by C.I.S.A.C.

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