Славянскія мовы у сучасным еурапейскім кантэксце: праблемы развіцця і функцыянавання - Статья

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Характарыстыка, асаблівасці сучаснага стану і развіцця славянскай моунай прасторы. Фарміраванне новай літаратурнай украінскай і беларускай моу на народна-гутарковай аснове. Аспекты уплыву на славянскую моуную прастору у канцы ХХ - пачатку ХХІ стагоддзі.

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Славянскія мовы у сучасным еурапейскім кантэксце: праблемы развіцця і функцыянаванняСтатья посвящена характеристике современного славянского языкового пространства, исторических путей и особенностей его формирования, а также особенностей современных процессов, определяющих основные направления его изменения и расширения. The article is devoted to the characteristics of today’s Slavic language space, historical evolution and peculiarities of its formation as well as features of modern processes which define the main directions of its change and expansion. Sociolinguistic and sociopolitical conditions of Slavic language space formation are named and four main types of modern Slavic languages which are included in Slavic language continuum are singled out; the main tendencies of foreign language influence on the development of Slavic language systems and their functioning at the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries are characterized; the role of closely related bilingualism as a factor of external nihilism is shown; the basic principles of Slavic language unity and interaction are formulated. Key words: Slavic languages, language space, language interaction, language expansion, language nihilism sociolinguistic and sociopolitical factors. Лукашанец А.А.

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