The scalar model of the gluon condensate, in which bubbles are formed - glue balls. The mass of the known hadrons and as nuclei exited states are described with the acceptable accuracy by the integral of the condensate density in terms of the glueball.
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Simulation of hadron masses and atomic nuclei exited states in the gluon condensate model Alexander Trunev УДК 531.9 539.12.01 UDC 531.9 539.12.01 МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ МАССЫ АДРОНОВ И ЭНЕРГИИ ВОЗБУЖДЕННЫХ СОСТОЯНИЙ АТОМНЫХ ЯДЕР В МОДЕЛИ ГЛЮОННОГО КОНДЕНСАТА SIMULATION OF HADRON MASSES AND ATOMIC NUCLEI EXITED STATES IN THE GLUON CONDENSATE MODEL Трунев Александр Петрович к.ф.-м.н., Ph.D. Alexander Trunev Cand.Phys.-Math.Sci., Ph.D. Директор, A&E Trounev IT Consulting, Торонто, Канада Director, A&E Trounev IT Consulting, Toronto, Canada В работе рассмотрена скалярная модель глюонного конденсата, в котором образуются глюболы. Показано, что масса известных адронов и энергия возбужденных состояний ядер описываются с приемлемой точностью интегралом от плотности конденсата по объему глюбола In this article we consider a scalar model of the gluon condensate, in which bubbles are formed - glue balls. It is shown that the mass of the known hadrons as well as nuclei exited states are described with the acceptable accuracy by the integral of the condensate density in terms of the glueball Ключевые слова: АДРОН, АТОМНОЕ ЯДРО, ВОЗБУЖДЕННЫЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ, ГЛЮОННЫЙ КОНДЕНСАТ, ГЛЮБОЛ, МАССА, СКАЛЯРНОЕ ПОЛЕ Keywords: EXITED STATES, NUCLEI, GLUON CONDENSATE, GLUEBALL, HADRON, MASS, SCALAR FIELDS Introduction According to modern ideas hadrons consist of quarks interacting via vector gauge bosons - gluons. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes this kind of interaction is extremely complex theory, so the models of elementary particles that are based on QCD, are widely used to simplify and various numerical methods. Glueball is a hypothetical particle predicted by QCD [1]. It is assumed that only consists of glueball gluon condensate. According to the calculations made in the framework of lattice QCD [2], this type of a scalar particle has a mass of about 1730 MeV. In [3-4] and others have shown that the glueball is the result of the nonlinear interaction of two scalar fields, describing the state of the gluon condensate. In this paper we calculate the hadron masses and energy of the excited states of nuclei based on the model [3-4]. Simulation of hadron masses In this paper we used a scalar model of the gluon condensate, developed in [3-4]. This model, in the notation of [4] has the form (1) Here describe the distribution of the scalar field condensate; - model parameters; - the eigenvalues ??of the problem. In the case of spherical symmetry the system (1) is reduced to (2) Here we introduced the dimensionless variable . The boundary conditions for the system (2) are: (3) The system (2) with boundary conditions (3) was solved using Wolfram Mathematica 8 [5] with the values ??of [4]: .
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