State Schools. Private Schools. The junior classroom. Division of pupils of an elementary school in three streams. The grammar school. Aspects of British University. The colleges in the University of London. Oxford, Cambridge. The University of London.
Schooling in Great Britain. State Schools. English children must go to school when they are five, first to infant schools where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers. Young children are divided into two groups according to their mental abilities. The curriculum for “strong” and “weak” groups is different, which is the beginning of future education contrasts. When children leave infant school at the age of seven, they go to junior schools until they are about eleven years of age. Their school subjects include English, arithmetic, history, geography, nature study, swimming, music, art, religious instruction and organized games. The junior classroom often looks rather like a workshop, especially when the pupils are working in groups making models or doing other practical work. When pupils come to the junior school for the first time, they are still often divided into three “streams” - А, В and С - on the basis of their infant-school marks or sometimes after a special test. The brightes
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