Constitutions of the states regulate important public relations. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from July 14th, 1997 is the only resolution on the case interpretation of the Constitution not causing indisputable approval.
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Abstract work Role of resolutions of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation in perfection of the federal Constitution Constitutions of the states regulate the most important public relations. The society is interested in stability of constitutions. In the opinion of N.V. Vitruk Stability of the constitution is shown in firmness of its instructions, in preservation of high degree of stability and dependence on influence of the political forces varying at power. As the constitution has deep influence on the whole public and legal order, the uncertainty of some norms can lead to instability in the society [1]. At the same time, the constitution cannot be constant. Attitudes to the constitution, to state and social order, presence of political forces can change. Constitutions have always undergone modifications, when there arose the transition from the authoritative political mode to the democratic and vice versa. K.V. Aranovskiy has noted that constitutions are usually established counting upon dista
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