Recruiting talents with social media - Статья

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The importance of managing enterprise talents for competitiveness and maintaining market positions. New possibilities of personnel management. Analysis of human resources internet marketing of Czech enterprises. Recruiting talents in modern social media.

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Анотація managing talent competitiveness recruiting Міхаль Міцик, Людвік Єгер РЕКРУТИНГ ТАЛАНТІВ ЧЕРЕЗ СОЦІАЛЬНІ МЕРЕЖІ У статті показано важливість управління талантами підприємства для конкурентоспроможності та утримання ринкових позицій. Коротко надано результати опитування, проведеного у Чеській Республіці щодо пошуку та управління талантами, а також представлено авторський аналіз кадрового Інтернет-маркетингу трьох чеських підприємств. Крім того, уточнено визначення поняття «менеджмент талантів» та описано перспективи подальших досліджень у даній сфері. Ключевые слова: менеджмент талантов; социальные сети; рекрутинг; самомаркетинг. Introduction. Talent acquisition, retention and management - these notions are commonly used in today’s HRM. It is often claimed that people are the most important source of any organization, its fortune bringing competitive advantage and helping further development and innovations (Drucker, 2001; Chambers, Foulon, Handfield-Jones, Hanklin and Michaels, 1998; Michaels, Handfield-Jones and Axelrod, 2001). Human resource management has been constantly evolving. Modern technologies, among other factors, have a strong influence on this development. The Internet, or more precisely the whole concept of ICT, brings new possibilities for personal management, including a new way how to acquire standard and talented employees. The aim of this article is to analyze recruitment possibilities with the use of social media. To achieve this aim, a technique of meta-analysis is used. It is also important to define the concept of talent management, set a theoretical framework and verify the findings. Concept of talent management. Talent management experienced a great deal of attention in the late 1990s when the firms all around the world faced a significant threat to doing business - the shortage of executive talent. Good people, who were needed to run companies, to steer them through changing environment, to manage them, were suddenly hard to find, attract and retain (Chambers, Foulon, Handfield-Jones, Hanklin and Michaels, 1998; Michaels, Handfield-Jones and Axelrod, 2001). As a consequence, talent acquisition, retention and management became a key challenge in global business (Schuler, Jackson and Tarique, 2011). Mentioned research conducted by McKinsey consultants in 1998 triggered something that could be called a mainstream acceptance of talent management as a key management activity (Scullion and Collings, 2010). In 2006, 7 in 10 corporate leaders spent more than 20% of their time on talent management activities. It seemed so important that it cannot be left to HR department alone. Even though the exact impact of talent management is hard to quantify, it has become a significant and important personnel activity because of a growing recognition that it helps to drive corporate performance (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006). According to the mentioned above, one of the crucial goals of a company should be securing a necessary number of quality employees. To overcome a labour shortage of talented people, especially of effective leaders, companies needs to develop their own employees and retain them longer, and not only search for those people at the market (Caplan, 2011). In contemporary economy specialization deepens and companies have to constantly come up with new technologies along with innovations in order to stay competitive. As a consequence, an unremitting demand for individuals able to keep up with the time and on top of that bring the competitive advantage is rising. On the other hand, employees have also higher standards and seek an employer willing to fulfil their demands, such as a balance between work and life and satisfaction of needs resulting from an ideal job (Cannon and McGee, 2007). As a result, it is increasingly difficult to acquire and retain talented employees within organization. According to the 2012-2013 Talent Management and Rewards Survey, conducted by Towers Watson among 1605 employers worldwide, companies have difficulty attracting and retaining high-potential and critical-skills employees. Problems with attracting critically skilled employees, who are necessary to increase global competitiveness, mention 72% of the survey respondents. 60% of them have difficulty in attracting high potential and 59% cannot attract top-performing workers. Almost 60% of employers report difficulty with retaining all 3 mentioned types of employees. In addition to that, more than 40% of employers also mention issues with retaining employees with tenures of 18 months to 3 years (Towers Watson, 2012). Thorough work with talented employees seems to be a necessary condition for organization to stay competitive. According to the study Resetting Horizons: Human Capital Trends 2013 conducted by Deloitte among 1309 respondents globally, the emphasis on talent management remains and will probably stay the same in the future (Barry et al., 2013). Theoretical framework, definitions. Much h

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