Public and private components in the international tourism legislation - Статья

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Comparative characteristics of public and private law in the field of international tourism. Analysis of the main tendencies of normative and legal regulation of international tourist activity are exemplified by the legislation of the European Union.

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Nowadays a deficiency of knowledge about legislation in a tourism sector is obvious. That shortage influences on a tourism business and often becomes a common problem of small firms in this sector. In the tourism industry this issue is accented by the vast variety of legal and regulatory framework. This article defines the meaning of tourism legislation and underlines what it implies. Besides, the effect of legislation on a tourism business and the distinction between public and private law for tourism businesses is drawn. The issues of private and public spheres of international tourism activity have been partially studied by national researchers such as A.Y. Alexandrova, E.N. Artemova, V.A. Kvartalnov, A.O. Tolochko, V Zorin. A considerable work in this area has been also carried out by the foreign scientists such as P Lynch, C. Lashley, A. Morrison, R. Conrady, M. Buck, E. Smeral, R.M. Woodworth and others. The aim of the article is a comprehensive research of the meaning of tourism legislation, its effect on a tourism business and the distinction between public and private law in tourism businesses. Defining tourism is not a simple matter, as it is a complex industry made up of many different businesses, the common theme being that they provide products and services to tourists/visitors. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) [1], tourism entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors. Generally speaking, a visitor is classified as a day visitor if his/her trip does not include an overnight stay and a tourist if it does include an overnight stay. The purpose of their trip can be for business, leisure or personal reasons, other than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place visited. It’s possible to define three main types or forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism. Wherein, domestic tourism refers to activities of a visitor within their country of residence and outside of their home. Inbound tourism refers to the activities of a visitor from outside of country of residence. Outbound tourism refers to the activities of a resident visitor outside of their country of residence. The tourism industry is primarily a private sector industry, consisting of a significant amount of businesses. These businesses, in turn, could be divided into large, medium and small sized [2, p. 4]. Tourist relations today are characterized by a weak level of legal knowledge of participants of the tourist market. The lack of knowledge of tourism legislation is a main problem of the competitiveness in a tourism sector. In order to resolve this problem, the one who starts tourism business need to master the fundamentals of the legislation in this area. The main purpose of the article is to identify the basics of tourism legislation. Tourism legislation is a set of legal rules that govern all professional activities in the tourism industry. Tourism industry comprises specific legal, operational and business issues. It covers businesses from a wide variety of industries that sell goods or provide services to visitors who have travelled from their usual place of residence (international or domestic) such as: tour operators, travel agents, short-term accommodation providers, recreation service providers, transport and hire service providers [3, p.

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