Психологізація образу персонажу в творах В. Вульф (на прикладі головного героя роману "Орландо") - Статья

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Визначення способів та прийомів психологізації, які використовує В. Вульф для зображення головного героя роману "Орландо". Опис зовнішності головного героя за допомогою зображення портрету. Роль життєпису персонажу в зображенні психологічного портрету.

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Психологізація образу персонажу в творах В.З точки зору психології творчості, психологізація образу персонажу в художньому творі відіграє провідну роль у побудові художньої реальності, у розкритті задуму автора й досягненні поставленої ним мети. (For...all his images at this time were simple in the extreme to match his senses and were mostly taken from things he had liked the taste of as a boy. He skirted all stables, kennels, breweries, carpenters’ shops, wash houses, places where they make tallow candles, kill oxen, forge horseshoes, stitch jerkins - for the house was a town ringing with men at work at their various crafts - and gained the ferny path leading uphill through the park unseen. He loved, beneath all this summer transiency, to feel the earth’s spine beneath him; for such he took the hard root of the oak tree to be; or, for image followed image, it was the back of a great horse that he was riding; or the deck of a tumbling ship - it was anything indeed, so long as it was hard, for he felt the need of something which he could attach his floating heart to; the heart that tugged at his side; the heart that seemed filled with spiced and amorous gales every evening about this time when he walked out. And halting at length, out of breath, she said, panting slightly, that he was like a million-candled Christmas tree (such as they have in Russia) hung with yellow globes; incandescent; enough to light a whole street by; (so one might translate it), for what with his glowing cheeks, his dark curls, his black and crimson cloak, he looked as if he were burning with his own radiance, from a lamp lit within [10, p.

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