Substantiates the necessity and importance of the organization of prospective primary school teachers’ foreign language sociocultural competence monitoring in the educational process of high school. Measuring teacher"s foreign language competence.
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PROSPECTIVE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE: MONITORING PRINCIPLES Olena Ishutina Assistant of Primary Education Theory and Practice Department, SHEE “Donbas State Pedagogical University” Sloviansk, Ukraine Abstract. The paper substantiates the necessity and importance of the organization of prospective primary school teachers’ foreign language sociocultural competence monitoring in the educational process of high school. The author notes that prospective primary school teachers’ foreign language sociocultural competence is inseparably linked with linguomethodological competence. It is proved that the measurement of foreign language sociocultural competence of primary school foreign language teachers should be performed in the process of lingvomethodological training of the students as lingvomethodological competence occupies a dominant place and is a unifying and a backbone for other competencies of the future teacher’s professiogram. In this regard, the concept of “foreign language sociocultural competence of prospective primary school teacher” is clarified, the essence of lingvomethodological monitoring of foreign language sociocultural competence is revealed. It is emphasized that linguistic disciplines (“The practice of oral and written language”, “Practical grammar of a foreign language”, “Practical phonetics of a foreign language”, etc.) and linguomethodological courses (“Methods of teaching English at primary school”, “ICT in learning foreign languages”, “Innovative technologies of learning foreign languages”, etc.) play very important role in forming “foreign language sociocultural competence of prospective primary school teacher”. У статті обґрунтовано необхідність і важливість упровадження моніторингу іншомовної соціокультурної компетентності майбутнього вчителя. В связи с этим уточнено содержание понятия «иноязычная социокультурная компетентность (ИСКК) будущего учителя начальной школы»; раскрыта сущность и определены основные функции лингвометодического мониторинга ИСКК; определены и охарактеризованы его специфические принципы: комплексности, лингвометодической направленности, валидности, разновекторности мониторинговых процедур.
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