Proclaiming and asserting the principles of democracy, democratic norms of formation of the self-management Kabardin-Balkar Republic. Application and synthesis of regional experiences as a problem to be solved in the process of administrative reforms.
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Problems of controllability of region within the framework of strengthening of the imperious vertical of Russia The discussion about forms, methods and purposes of strengthening of the vertical of the power takes more and more outstanding place in Mass Media, in speeches of state and public figures, in works of political scientists and jurists. However, in the similar polemic the applicability of the organs of government is not seen, namely to create necessary organizational legal conditions for realization of the needs of the society, the potential of each person. For achievement of the given purpose, from our point of view, more applicable is not the term strengthening of the vertical of the power, but controllability: controllability of the country, region, eventually, a concrete developing situation. For this purpose both institutional components and adequate normative maintenance is necessary. Controllability of the Federation cannot be effective without rational controllability of its subjects. And rationality of management of the subject of the Russian Federation develops of the structural efficiency of the federal and regional institutional component, together with the institutes of the local self-management, - i.e. the institutes of the three-level public power; from the normative set of the federal and regional legislation. It is necessary to note, that such term as the vertical of the power, can be mentioned neither in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, nor in the Fundamental Laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, hence, in essence, the given term has no precise legal contents. At the same time, strengthening of the vertical of the power is usually mentioned in connection with the planned complex of activities (sometimes political, sometimes made out by laws, orders, resolutions of the government), but incorporated by one common goal - to provide unconditional subordination of subordinate organs of the power to the higher organs. However, such understanding is not absolutely true. From this point of view, fair is the position of President of the Russian Federation V. Putin who specified: Our goal is not simply to build the vertical of the power, but to create conditions for preservation of the unity of the state and at the same time to make the state more effectively controlled. In this connection, we consider, that in view of the huge extent of our state of the exclusive variety of natural-climatic, resource, demographic, ethnic, structural and other features of its regions, specificities of the federal state system of Russia we need the strong state regional policy as the major component of the nation-wide policy of the country. One of the mainstreams of such policy should be study and analysis, generalization of experience of management in the regions of Russia and the subsequent legislative initiatives on introduction at the federal level of the most effective circuits. Wishing to bring in the certain contribution to realization of above mentioned idea, we believe it possible to cover some aspects of the problem of controllability of the region of the Russian Federation, on the example of the Kabardin-Balkar Republic whose experience, from our point of view, deserves the certain attention, both on the part of the federal centre, and on the part of the other regions of Russia. In the given foreshortening, the special interest should represent organization of the local self-management in Kabardin-Balkar Republic, which differed a little (and differs) from other models cultivated in the other subjects of Russia. And, first of all because at present the quality of reforming of the local self-management the productivity will influence carrying out of all other reforms, the overall performance on improvement of the quality of life in Russia, and the level and mechanisms of responsibility of the power under the society. The success of the given reform is very important for the country. In fact the situation on the land, will finally help to estimate results of transformations. The statutory-legal base of organization of the local self-management in the Russian Federation have become regulations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 12 (about recognition and guarantees of the local self-management; independence within the limits of the powers; and about independent level of the public power (The organs of local self-management do not include the system of the organs of the government), chapter 8 (Articles 130, 131, 132, 133), the law from August 28th, 1995 No.154-FL About the common principles of organization of the local self-management, and later FL from 06.10.2003 No.131-FL About common principles of the organization of local self-management in the Russian Federation, and also ratification of the European charter of the local self-management. Taking into account, that the Constitution of the Russian Federation (item n - Part 1 Article 72) relates establishment of
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