Предприятие "Epam Systems" - Реферат

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Исследование услуг, оказываемых компанией "Epam Systems". Анализ и обзор основных возможностей системы тестирования пользователей на предмет знаний и умений работы с продуктами Microsoft. Реализация Find&Replace dialog для симуляции MS Office Word.

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Эпам системз - крупнейший поставщик услуг в области разработки программного обеспечения и решений на территории России, стран СНГ, Центральной и Восточной ЕвропыIf there is no text in the search text box, Search button invokes a submenu: a) "Advanced Find..." invokes Find and replace dialog, Find tab is active. b) "Replace..." invokes Find and replace dialog, Replace tab is active. c) "Go to..." invokes Find and replace dialog, Find tab is active (unlike the real application - confirmed). d) All the other links are neutral. 2) Cancel a) If there is any text in the search text box, the search button is changed to Cancel button (see screenshot below). b) Tooltip: "Click to end your search and scroll back to your original place in the document." c) On pressing the Cancel button: The search box is cleared Search Box (B1)") is empty, the following text is displayed: "You can search for text in your document by typing in the search box above. If the search field contains a search phrase, which has no matches in the document: 1) The following text is displayed: "You can search for text in your document by typing in the search box above. If the dialog is invoked while the search box of the navigation pane contains any text, the text shall be present in the dialog"s search box either both on Find and on Replace tabs.

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