Стан та напрямки удосконалення правової освіти. Аналіз її ролі у забезпеченні належного рівня правопорядку у державі. Огляд можливих перешкод на цьому шляху та способів їх уникнення. Співробітництво органів державної влади с міжнародними організаціями.
O. A. Aa?aiianueee. - E., 1999. - 20 n.Appropriate level of protection of rights, freedoms and civil rights, the rule of law and civil society, the state of law and order remain current. European choice of Ukraine makes significant changes in national legislation, especially in coordination with its international standards on human rights, as well as rozumminni and awareness of human values. Should facilitate the first cooperation of state authorities of Ukraine with international and nongovernmental organizations, the rule of law and the proper performance of their duties. Not least, it will depend on the implementation of commitments undertaken by Ukraine to the international community to improve the system of legal education. Keywords: human rights, legal education, rule of law, human rights and protection of human rights, rule of law, civil society and legal culture.
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