A conservative-protective or right-monarchist as one of the most influential trends in Russias socio-political movement of the early XX century. Russian assembly, Russian Monarchist Party, the Union of Russian people and Union of Russian People.
“Pravomonarhicheskoe: movement in Belarus (1905 - 1914 gg) One of the most influential trends in Russias socio-political movement of the early XX century was a conservative-protective or right-monarchist. The ideological foundations of Russias conservatives had been laid earlier, but the institutionalization of the supporters of escort of traditional institutions comes at a time when Russia seized the revolutionary elements. The answer to the radicalization of society was to consolidate the social forces, spoke in support of autocratic power. Across the country, have appeared numerous reactionary organization. Among them are emerged in St. Petersburg society to actively fight against the revolution and anarchy, the Society of Russian patriots in Moscow, Russian Brotherhood in Kiev, the Patriotic Society in Tiflis, the tsarist-popular Russian society in Kazan, the Union white flag in Nizhny Novgorod and Dozens of other monarchist organizations, who called the people to fight the revolution. The most significan
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