Portugal and Angola at a new historical crossroad - Эссе

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Development of relations between Portugal and Angola within the framework of Community of Portuguese Language Countries. The basic principles of collaboration between countries in the field of economy and trade. Spread of Portuguese in the world.

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Essay Portugal and Angola at a new historical crossroad Rostislav Murzagulov Institut dEtudes Politiques de Paris MPA Candidate rostislav.murzagulov@sciencespo.fr 33(0)646241478 117 Bd Saint Germain, 75006 Paris Paris - 2014 INTRODUCTION The capital of Portugal didnt witness this kind of things even in the course of summit meetings of the European Union: recent state visit of the President of Angola Jose Eduardo dos Santos to Lisbon became a great event and drew attention of even those Portuguese people, who have never been interested in politics. Specially constructed pavilion with tribunes at Empire Square, highest readiness condition of Security Services, cordoned off streets, huge cortege, favorable media coverage spoke for aspiration to emphasize respect and demonstrate maximum interest in leader of the largest Portuguese-speaking country of Africa. It was all the more striking because usually both the President of Angola himself and his party caused antagonism of Portuguese press. Angola has been figh

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