Political system of Kyrgyzstan Government. Political system of Italy - Реферат

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Kyrgyzstan as an secular, democratic, lawful state. Judicial Framework and Independence. Presidents of the Italian Republic. The imposition of constitutional court decisions according to Constitution. Political parties and elections the Eighties.

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1. Political system of Kyrgyzstan Government The Kyrgyz Republic declared independence on 31 August 1991. Kyrgyzstan is an independent, secular, democratic and lawful state. Until 2010 the form of government was presidential but after the adoption of the Constitution in 27June 2010 most of the authority was taken by the Parliament and the Prime Minister, thus, Kyrgyzstan became a parliamentary republic. The President is elected for six years without the right for the second term. Under the new Constitution, the same person may not be elected as President twice. The acting President of Kyrgyzstan is Almazbek Atambaev Head of state. The President of Kyrgyzstan is the head of state and the highest official of Kyrgyzstan < The President, according to the constitution < is the symbol of the unity of people and state power, and is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, and of an individual and citizen. The President is directly elected for no more than two five-year terms by the Kyrgyz electorate

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