Визначення поняття епонімічного терміну та причин його вживання в медицині. Аналіз поглядів на зв"язок між загальноприйнятими медичними термінами і термінами-епонімами. Класифікація значень загальних слів, що утворилися шляхом переходу із власних імен.
If eponym refers to the disease, it is often used to describe a symptom, syndrome, factor, test, abnormalities, which are given the name in honour of the doctor-inventor. Eponymic terms appear in those areas of medicine where scientific research is often preceded by practical work, thus the eponyms are the result of practical activities of physicians. In the field of medicine after the transformation of personal names into common words the latter may: indicate events; give name to a branch of science; form definition; give a description of people; mean instruments; be a part of a compound word; indicate the profession; form a verb or verbal noun. Although there are a lot of scientists who propose to remove eponymic terms from the field of medicine, eponyms are widely used to indicate new notions in medicine, particularly in the countries that are leading ones in the field of medical research, and that is the proof of the development of modern medicine. The author takes part in writing of the scientific research works of the department, prepares reports for teachers’ conferences of BSMU, her articles are published in home and international journals, she is one of the authors of the grammar, lexical manuals for students and the national textbook for medical psychologists.
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