Отдаленные результаты эрадикационной терапии язвенной болезни с применением антиоксидантов, иммуномодуляторов и энтеросорбции - Статья

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Анализ эффективности эрадикационной терапии больных пептической язвой, проживающих в местности с повышенным содержанием фтора в питьевой воде. Фиксация значимого снижения частоты обострений пациентов, применявших для профилактики блокатор протонной помпы.

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Аннотация к работе
© Aa?aneiaiei I. A. Aa?aneiaiei I. A. Aunoaa ainoaa?noaaiiia caaaaaiea Oe?aeiu10 years back we studied a clinical flow, results of inspections and treatment 139 patients of PU at which diagnosed the presence of HP and enhanceable maintenance of fluorine in blood and urine. Held then studies have shown that the completeness of HP eradication, clinical course and five state of the gastric mucosa significantly better in patients who received in addition to eradication therapy received antioxidants and chelators On that ground, to all patients, to resident in an area with enhanceable maintenance of fluorine in a drinking-water, after the successfully conducted eradication therapy a complex, including proton pump inhibitor, antioxidant and immunomodulator complex «Tri-Vi plus» was recommended for a reception with a prophylactic purpose. The aim of this work is the study of longterm results of treatment in groups of patients who used and did not use the recommendations made on the basis of primary research. By the primary examination for all patients using concelho of the present work is the study of longterm results of treatment in groups of patients who epollpri Lexa methods the study was carried out in the presence of HP. Used rapid urease test, method, smears, fingerprints, histological examination and determination of the titre of specific IGG antibodies in serum using a commercial kit (Comb Measurement II Helicobacter pylori IGG, Israel).

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