Анализ связи нейрофизиологических и психологических характеристик внимания в группах больных шизофренией и их психически здоровых родителей. Снижение амплитуды слуховых вызванных потенциалов и нарушений устойчивости и объема произвольного внимания.
При низкой оригинальности работы "Особенности внимания в семьях больных шизофренией: сопряженность психологических и нейрофизиологических характеристик", Вы можете повысить уникальность этой работы до 80-100%
Peculiarities of attention in families with schizophrenia: correlation between psychological and neurophysiological characteristicsA relationship between neurophysiological and psychological characteristics of attention was studied in 18 patients with schizophrenia and their 34 mentally healthy relatives: parents and siblings (20 subjects) and children (14 subjects). In patients, a decrease of P300 auditory evoked potentials significantly correlated with disturbances of attention stability and volume as well as characteristics of involuntary attention. At the same time, in the groups of relatives the anomalies of attention stability and attention in conditions of prolonged concentration were positively related to P300 latency. Key words: schizophrenia, relatives of patients, attention, auditory evoked potentials, ?300. Auditory P300 and eye tracking dysfunction in schizophrenic pedigrees.
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