Характеристика процесса передачи данных по сети с пакетной коммутацией. Анализ элементов системы управления. Исследование влияния длины очереди двухпортового маршрутизатора на качество обслуживания. Моделирование работы регуляторов при разных нагрузках.
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1. International Telecommunication Union (2008), “ITU-T E.800 (09/2008): Quality of telecommunication services: concepts, models, objectives and dependability planning - Terms and definitions related to the quality of telecommunication services”, available at: http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/9524 (Accessed 29 April 2014).
2. Kutcherjavii, E.A. (2004), Upravlenie trafikom i kachestvo obslugivanija v seti Internet [Traffic management and quality of service at Internet], Nauka i tehnika, Saint-Petersburb, Russia.
3. C.V. Hollot, Vishal Misra, Don Towsley and Wei-Bo Gong On Designing Improved Controllers for AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows /TO APPEARIN IEEE INFOCOM 2001,1. -avaible at: ftp://ftp.cs.umass.edu/pub/net/pub/MISRAINFOCOM01-AQM-Controller.pdf
4. Adan Ivo and Jacques Resing (2002), “Queueing Theory”, available at: http://www.win.tue.nl/~iadan/queueing.pdf (Accessed 29 April 2014).
5. Batyr S.S. Khorkhordin A.V.(2012) “An Empirical Mathematical Model for Part of the Internet”, Naukovi pratsi Donetskogo natsionalnogo tehnichnogo univercitety. Ser.:Obchysljuvalna technika ta avtomatyzatsija, vol.1, no. 23, pp. 70-76.
Features of effectiveness evaluation methods for queue management router . In the article was proposed a method for evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of the methods of the router queue management as a means of managing traffic in a network node. The presented results are allowed a visual assessment of the effectiveness of different methods in a changing environment. The study was conducted on the basis of previously developed model network segment in the state space. The comparison confirmed the effectiveness of the developed control method of adapting to the current load. Keywords: quality of service parameters, the router queue, queue management, state space, control method, adaptation.