Изучение причин и структуры когнитивных и эмоционально-личностных интериктальных нарушений у детей с различными формами эпилепсии. Анализ состояния когнитивных функций у детей в зависимости от эффективности проводимой противоэпилептической терапии.
Peculiarities of cognitive functions in children with epilepsyA study aims at investigation of causes and structure of cognitive and emotional-personality interictal disturbances in children with different forms of epilepsy. Symptomatic epilepsy is diagnosed in 31 (77,5%) of patients, idiopathic epilepsy in 9 (22,5%) patients. Cognitive functions have been compared to the form of epilepsy, types of epileptic atacks, antiepileptic therapy and its efficacy. The results of the study reveal intellectual and memory disturbances in 62% of children with epilepsy and more severe disturbances in generalized epileptic seizures. In the stable remission of seizures, a good restoration of cognitive functions is observed, and in the absence of antiepileptic therapy or its ineffectiveness the marked disorders of intellectual and memory functions are demonstrated.
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